J Aaron Clifford
January 17th, 2005, 01:57 PM
Anybody in the metro DC area interested in collaborating in some shorts/documentaries/anything DV? i Have no experience or equipment, but i could really use the exposure to the media. I am interested in getting into production for myself, but haven't got even the fundamental 'ground-floor' kind of info.
This is a great forum!
Rob Lohman
January 18th, 2005, 10:18 AM
Welcome aboard DVInfo.net J Aaron! Good to have you with us!
Tim Brown
January 18th, 2005, 10:26 AM
Greetings J Aaron! I'm down I-95 in Richmond and am always looking for contacts for my rolodex. If you don't mind the drive, I'd love to call you up for any future projects.
J Aaron Clifford
January 19th, 2005, 04:05 PM
I do not mind driving at all. Please keep me in mind! I would be very grateful.
I'm focused more on the writing/origination side right now, but (i may have already mentioned) i need to learn the ins and outs, everything, so i can better prepare myself for Independent prod. Whatever you have going on, i am sure i can come up with something viably helpful, even if i do it slack-jawed, drooling, and obviously uninformed.
As far as my tel. i am transfering my cell from denver to VA, but as soon as i have that done i will be mobile again.
I appreciate it!