View Full Version : Dropped my tripod, is it bent?

Ronald Lee
January 3rd, 2005, 05:00 PM
I have a nice manfrotto tripod (head and legs). I accidentally dropped it on it's head. I wonder if I bent the top part so it's not level anymore. I doesn't look level when I put the camera on it. It's pretty sturdy, but this is entirely possible right?

I've dropped it before. Yes, I know, I"m a bad parent.

How would I get it bent back into shape and how much would that run me? Has this happened to you before?


Jimmy McKenzie
January 3rd, 2005, 06:42 PM
Just pick up a ball leveler to mount between the sticks and the head. It could end up being cheaper and you will have a fast and nifty way to quickly setup your head regardless of skewed sticks or distorted topography.