View Full Version : Steadicam-Glidecam stabilizers?

infinity Atlast
November 20th, 2001, 11:45 PM
I'm looking for a good stabilizer for my xl-1. Which is good for this camera?

I recently received a steadicam DV, bought from ebay, but was missing a crucial screw that keeps the camera connected to the steadicam dv (dovetail clamp), does anyone know how to replace this screw. Is it one of those screws that never actually detaches from the unit, just keeps turning? If so, then this supposedly new unit is defective.

I've already informed the man (who was thrown off ebay a week after I bought it) that I want to send it back and get my money back. We'll see on that one. But if anybody can tell me where to get a replacement for this screw, I may just keep it. Maybe. I've already called the bank.

Aside from that, what is a good stabilizers for this unit? Glidecam, steadicam , etc...? And by the way, it is ntsc format.

Chris Hurd
November 21st, 2001, 07:24 AM
Ebay is always a gamble. Be sure to check the seller's feedback, basically it's his or her rating, before making a bid.

Perhaps a local machinist can assist you with this screw? Good luck,

November 21st, 2001, 08:43 PM
Here's the link for help with that issue!

Tiffen now owns Steadicam Systems.

infinity Atlast
November 21st, 2001, 10:48 PM
Thank you. I've contacted them and they returned my call. According to them, the parts are around ten dollars, which is not bad considering. The steadicam is in good shape, though used, already put together. It was supposed to be new. I think the only things missing were those dovetail clamp screws and the videotape for it. I may now not go after the man for my money. Getting one of these is impossible now for ntsc( I know I know, but I'm stuck with it. I'm in the US).

So once I get these parts, I'll put it together and just see what the next step is. Since I'm writing this, is there a cheaper product or way of getting a vest or some sort of stabilizing strap for this thing that doesn't cost $2000.00?

November 22nd, 2001, 09:52 AM
I know there WAS a Steadicam DV vest offered for a while, but I think the DV model has beedn discontinued. I am in the same boat as you. I purchesed a Steadicam DV demo unit from a Manhattan video store and its been collecting dust ever since. Trying to balance the XL1 with a large battery, tape and viewfinder are exteremely difficult, not to mention pretty darn heavy after 20 minutes of shooting. I think the vest was offered at about 900.00 when it was available. Let me know how you fare.


Henry Czuprinski
November 22nd, 2001, 11:17 AM
No I don't sell em-but drop by and have a look at a cool product- It's on my shopping list unless Santa brings me a Hollywood lite or Clidecam GT system this year.

Chris Hurd
November 22nd, 2001, 11:23 AM
Just an FYI, a review of this Marztech vest is on my main site, in the Articles section.

John Locke
November 23rd, 2001, 12:45 PM
I have two questions related to this.

First, has anyone tried using the Marztech vest with a Varizoom LANC controller? I see that Varizoom sells an L-bracket that can be attached to the bottom of an XL-1, but the photos look like your wrist would be turned outward at an awkward angle. I've had my eye on a Marztech for awhile but hesitated on buying because I would want to use my VZ-Pro-LX. No way to try before you buy here either. Any experience out there?

Second, does anyone know of a manufacturer that makes rubber "coaster-type" wheels (the round ball kind) to attach to the bottom of Bogen/Manfrotto tripods? I've seen the "caster-type" wheels (hope that's the right name for them...the kind that look like traditional wheels) offered by Bogen, but they tend to flip around when you change direction that can cause a little jump.

Working on a tight budget here...but looking for the smoothest movement I can get. The place I usually do my shooting has a hard floor, so I figure that coaster wheels made of rubber could roll around pretty smoothly and quietly.

infinity Atlast
November 23rd, 2001, 07:05 PM
I been to the marzpak website and I must say, I'm impressed! I tried to find as many reviews as I read all the reviews. In your opinion, is this thing better than the Steadicam DV model? Will it produce the same smooth floating camera look equivalent to the Steadicam DV? It apparently has a much easier learning curve.

Henry Czuprinski
November 23rd, 2001, 07:39 PM
You can get the Marztech video to see a bunch of shots-worth the $8 I think- Site says you get a 7day return warantee to try it out- sounds OK to me. Steadycam is no doubt capable of butter smooth shots- but for me weight is the issue- can add mass to cam with Marztech without breaking a sweat- it appears- but I can't see shooting an XL1 with a handheld steady device- unless yer last name's Schwarzenneger- but I suppose some folks have- a filmmakers gotta be tough anyway so it appears.

John Locke
November 24th, 2001, 01:11 AM
Seems the XL-1 would be manageable with a handheld if you used the Glidecam Forearm brace.