Frank Aalbers
January 2nd, 2005, 11:32 PM
Sadly I don't have a camera yet to test this out, so I'll ask it here for those who maybe know.
Lets say I set my shutter speed to 1/60.
In progressive this means my shutter angle is 180 degrees on one frame which is 1/30th of a second.
What does this setting do when in interlaced ? Since each field frame is 1/60th of a second, will the shutter be open all the time ? As if it had a 360 degree shutter angle on a 1/60 s field ? Or will it still use 180 degree shutter angle on a 1/60 s field, which actually means a 1/120 shutter speed ?
I hope my question is clear enough ...
Thanks !
Lets say I set my shutter speed to 1/60.
In progressive this means my shutter angle is 180 degrees on one frame which is 1/30th of a second.
What does this setting do when in interlaced ? Since each field frame is 1/60th of a second, will the shutter be open all the time ? As if it had a 360 degree shutter angle on a 1/60 s field ? Or will it still use 180 degree shutter angle on a 1/60 s field, which actually means a 1/120 shutter speed ?
I hope my question is clear enough ...
Thanks !