View Full Version : Guess what I got for Christmas
Terry Lyons January 1st, 2005, 09:54 PM Hi all, well you guessed it, a GL-2!!! Complete with a WD-58! I just made an adapter plate to mate it to my steadycam jr. Boy it sure takes some nice clear video. I did some test footage to see the difference between 60-i at 60 fps, 60-i at 30fps, frame at 60fps and frame at 30fps. As much as I want to get rid of the security cam look, I cant live with the fuzzy motion blur pans either. I have changed my custom presets a little but still not satisfied. Please dont get me wrong, I am so happy to have my gl and I know it will serve me just fine. Im just trying to change the look at least to the look of lets say footage shot on Boyd Coddingtons show, or West Coast Choppers. I have been searching and reading on DVi for at least a year now and I guess I will try maby some filters next, or maby something in premier. Any thoughts? Im not looking for the film look, just something more saturated and blended. Thanks again TL
GL-2, WD-58, Steadycam JR, Manfrotto 501, Premier Pro
Bill Hardy January 2nd, 2005, 02:49 AM I got this 250 GB G-Drive to help me edit the wedding I taped with my two GL2's yesterday. Check the bottom pics on this web page:
But I am having more fun typing this post in bed on my Powerbook using my Verizon broadband card. It's weird and wonderful being able to use the internet anywhere in my state without a base station or router.
Congrats on your new purchase. Have fun!
Rob Lohman January 3rd, 2005, 04:35 AM 60i @ 60 fps?
60p @ 60 fps?
This camera will always shoot at 30 fps? Either it is interlaced
(where it does 60 FIELDS per second) or it does 30 "full frames"
per second. No DV camera (there is one HDV camera) does 60 fps
(FRAMES per second).
I had an XL1S and am in PAL land (not NTSC), I always shot in
frame mode with 1/50th shutter (and 25 fps -> PAL). Really liked
the look of the footage.
Terry Lyons January 3rd, 2005, 12:12 PM Hi Rob, I'm so glad you responded! Thanks for the 30fps thing. I thought they ran in 60fps. My main problem is when in interlaced at 1/30 shutter speed, frame mode at either 1/30 or 1/60 shutter speed I am seeing on our tv's an interlace mismatch on the edges of trees, cars, poles, stripes in the road etc. Only in interlaced mode and at 1/60th of a second shutter speed is it clear on the edges. The jagged edges I see isnt slow motion blur its very unaligned interlace edge looking. I wish I knew the words to use to describe this better, any idea's. Thanks TL
Bill Hardy January 3rd, 2005, 03:22 PM I use frame mode for all of my shots to help prevent aliazing (jagged edges). The jaggies can be plainly seen in interlaced mode when you extract a single frame from your video while the subject is in motion. Frame mode gives a much smoother shot, so much so that I can use them in wedding stills if I want. See webpage:
In my opinion to the naked eye frame mode is just as sharp as interlaced with the GL2, but that's just me and I am not using technical equipment to scrutinize my shots.
Terry Lyons January 3rd, 2005, 03:50 PM Hi Bill, thanks for the reply, those frame grabs look great! How about the raw video viewed on your tv, can you see interlaced jaggies sticking out from the edges of vertical objects. I mean like a zipper edge? The only time I dont see it is when I am shooting in 60i and at 1/60th of a second shutter speed, if I go slower I see it there too. Thanks TL
Rob Lohman January 4th, 2005, 04:45 AM Terry: what you will and will not see also depends on the (quality
of your) TV you watch it on.
How are you watching the footage on the TV when you see these
problems with different shutter speeds?
p.s. just for your information (I forgot to mention it), fields are
half frames. So that's why in interlaced you have 60 (half frames)
fields per second which totals to 30 full frames per second. The
fields have a slight time offset (which causes interlacing when
you would watch this on a computer monitor for example, which
is normal with interlaced footage!!) which doesn't happen in
progressive (full frame) shooting.
Terry Lyons January 4th, 2005, 09:21 AM Hi Rob, I am just pluging in the GL to the tv via the av connector. It is a fairly nice 32 inch tv. Everything else we put to it looks fine, even the GL in 60i at 1/60th
Terry Lyons January 5th, 2005, 08:34 PM Well I hooked it up to a monitor and guess what, no jaggies. Another thing we did was to turn the zebra down to 90 instead of 95 where I had it. Maby that helped? Anyway I guess I will probably shoot in 60i for the time being and see how it looks.
David Woodland January 13th, 2005, 10:23 AM That's great you got a GL2. It is a very nice camera indeed. You will have lots of fun with it and hopefully you will put out some good productions. Isn't that why we buy such nice cameras?
Anyway, good luck with the camera.