View Full Version : Apple HDV Support coming 1/11?

Kyle Harmon
December 31st, 2004, 11:53 AM
Steve Jobs is expected (rumored) to announce several new products during his keynote speech at MacWorld Expo San Francisco on January 11th. Among other things, Think Secret is reporting that a new version of iMovie dubbed iMovie HD, will feature support for the HDV format ...

This is only a rumor at this time, but it provides hope that some time in the not-so-distant future, Apple will fully (and natively) support HDV in Final Cut Pro.

Just thought I'd pass that along.

Heath McKnight
December 31st, 2004, 12:48 PM is saying there will be that and a "headless" iMac at under $600.


Jed Williamson
January 1st, 2005, 02:48 PM has a special for FC express for $99 with the purchase of a new mac.

Maybe a clue that a new program is coming is that the deal ends January 10th.

Dave Perry
January 1st, 2005, 02:51 PM and both have an excellent record as far as rumor reliability goes so I am pretty excited about what I read on these sites.

Heath McKnight
January 1st, 2005, 06:15 PM
I'm a big fan of Mac Minute ( They're off for the Holidays, but will return soon. Let's see what they have to report on this stuff!


ps-Plus iCell Phone...

John C. Chu
January 3rd, 2005, 03:00 PM
<<<-- Originally posted by Kyle Harmon : Steve Jobs is expected (rumored) Among other things, Think Secret is reporting that a new version of iMovie dubbed iMovie HD, will feature support for the HDV format ...

This is only a rumor at this time, but it provides hope that some time in the not-so-distant future, Apple will fully (and natively) support HDV in Final Cut Pro.

I've read that too...but it sounds a bit too early and hard to believe...

So you can edit in iMovie HDV....then what?

Encode in some HD format and burn it on DVD and play it from your Mac to a HDTV set?
(reason for the headless $499 Macintosh video-device?)

Or just export to a DVHS deck? or back to the camera(that would be nice)

I seriously doubt iMovie will get support before the pro applications...

but if it does happen...

Apple does it again! I would love to believe this rumor--cause it helps ease the entry point price for editing HDV...

Heath McKnight
January 3rd, 2005, 03:19 PM
I agree with the point that why would Apple release consumer support for HDV before pro support, unless (as a friend of mine is speculating) iMovie compresses it moreso, and making it less pro-friendly. Which begs the question from me, a non-iMovie user (it's tough as I've been using FCP since version 1.0), does iMovie capture QuickTime video files similar to Final Cut Pro's, or does iMovie make it a little bit of a lower quality than FCP when it captures?


Joshua Starnes
January 3rd, 2005, 03:29 PM
iMovie captures QuickTime more or less the same as FCP. It captures as a DV stream, but there is not qualitative difference.

So you can edit in iMovie HDV....then what?

Encode in some HD format and burn it on DVD and play it from your Mac to a HDTV set?
(reason for the headless $499 Macintosh video-device?)

I don't get questions like this, I really don't. Just because you originally captured in HD doesn't mean you have to show it in HD. If you capture in a better resolution and color and whatnot your work will look good even in SD. Sure it will look better on an HDTV, but you don't have to have one of those to watch it or distribute. You could easily make your own SD DVD from the HD source and it will still look far better than SD and give you a good shot at direct-to-video distribution. What are you complaining about?

Thomas Ferlauto
January 5th, 2005, 03:59 PM
Apple just sued Think Secret for disclosing trade secrets so they must be on to something.

It is just like Apple to declare HDV to be a consumer format and provide support in iMovie before FCP -- which is for real HD, not HD lite.

Robert Mann Z.
January 5th, 2005, 09:42 PM
just got back from apple today, i actually saw the headless mac, i was not supposed to see it, it is very small, that rumor is dead was explained to me they built these due to pressure from wall street, a perfect applcation would the education market, they are small enough to fit a desk draw where a teaher can lock them up for the night ...

...i also saw the two new ipod flash players...i can't say much about them due to chris making me use my real name here, except i think they are terrible, they are designed to save money, and operating them was not easy for me (i'm an ipod user)...don't bother wasting $100 bucks on these, save and get a iriver or ipod, or use your cell phoe

ohh by the way hdv is coming to the fcp .... :)

Rob Moreno
January 5th, 2005, 10:41 PM
"ohh by the way hdv is coming to the fcp .... :)"

This will be a free upgrade, right?

Christopher C. Murphy
January 6th, 2005, 07:16 AM
Robert, can you pleeeeeeeaaaaaassssssse give more information about the FCP HDV timeframe and/or how it's going to work??

If you can't say anything publicly can you email me?? I would appreciate it very much!

Thanks man!


Robert Mann Z.
January 6th, 2005, 10:53 AM
Chris i saw a working copy, i have no idea when it will be released, and even if i did i could not tell you, but , i imagine this month, then again they showed a working copy at one of the trade shows last year as well, i guess we will both have to sit and wait till next week to see for sure

Christopher C. Murphy
January 6th, 2005, 11:02 AM
If it's this month I'll be a happy camper. :)

Ignacio Rodriguez
January 6th, 2005, 11:44 AM
> ohh by the way hdv is coming to the fcp

It was about time.

Heath McKnight
January 6th, 2005, 11:48 AM

We know HDV is coming, Apple announced it would nearly a year ago. And many of us are assuming it will be announced shortly.


Andres Lucero
January 11th, 2005, 12:06 PM
SJ just announced HD support in iMovie at the MacWorld San Francisco keynote. More info will probably be available on Apple's website shortly...

John C. Chu
January 11th, 2005, 01:00 PM
Apple does it again.


Besides iMovie...looks like FCP Express is also HDV capable.

The cost of entry to HDV editing has gone waaay down.


But I wonder if you can export back to camera?

One more thing....the famous cube has been reborn...

in the shape of the Mac-mini!

Hayden Rivers
January 11th, 2005, 02:44 PM
What are the minimum specs required to edit HDV on the Mac? I mean, if you could pick up one of those Mac Mini's for $500 and a copy of Final Cut Express for $300....

John C. Chu
January 11th, 2005, 02:53 PM
<<<-- Originally posted by Hayden Rivers : What are the minimum specs required to edit HDV on the Mac? I mean, if you could pick up one of those Mac Mini's for $500 and a copy of Final Cut Express for $300.... -->>>

According to the FCE HD page...

You need a 1ghz g4 or g5...

so that will do it...

Just need more memory and more hard drive space...

But do the math...a refurb iMac g5 goes for $1,000.

Hayden Rivers
January 11th, 2005, 03:00 PM
The refurb iMac is $1000. The Mac Mini is $500.

$1000-$500=$500 cheaper.

John C. Chu
January 11th, 2005, 03:08 PM
What I meant was...[and I'm not knocking the minimac] is that if you already have a monitor and everything's a pretty cool deal...

But by getting a iMac g5 for $1,099 get a nice 17" LCD screen keyboard, mice and the faster cpu...[and yes--five hundred bucks is five hundred bucks more than I have right now..."-)]

Of means a lot too...the mini-Mac is a nice sequel to the Cube..

I have to upgrade also...the minimum 1ghz speed has made my 2 and half year old 800mhz eMac a candidate for some kind of edit HDV.