View Full Version : difference in look between XL1S/XL2 db?

Mathieu Ghekiere
December 30th, 2004, 07:50 AM
Sorry for the strange thread tittle, I didn't really could come up with a better one. But I am curious, although I don't have an XL2 and I'm not planning to buy one for a while, but:

I looked at the Skinny of the XL2 and I couldn't find the answer on my (maybe stupid) question, but on the XL1S you have that red thing, with a screen where you can see the decibels from the recording. I don't see it at the pictures of the XL2. Where is it gone? Can you now see it at the viewfinder?

Sorry if it's a stupid question :-)
Thanks in advance

Rob Lohman
December 30th, 2004, 07:56 AM
This meter which was under the handle on the XL1 series has
been moved to the side inside the black dial and can also be
seen inside the viewfinder indeed.

Mathieu Ghekiere
December 30th, 2004, 08:11 AM
Ow great.