September 16th, 2002, 04:14 PM
Can you please forward ideas for best protection from dust?
Planning trip to Northern Kenya.
David Stembridge
Ed Frazier
September 16th, 2002, 09:58 PM
Hi David,
The "best" protection would probably be an underwater housing of some sort, but very expensive for an XL1 and cumbersome to use. I use a PortaBrace Rain Slicker when shooting in dusty conditions. It doesn't keep everything out, but does a fair job and is much better than no protection at all. Similar rain gear from other manufacturers would likely work just as well.
Jeff Donald
September 17th, 2002, 05:35 AM
I've been to that region and it has the worst dust I've encountered. On one trip probably 80% of the camcorders failed (dust clogging the heads?). When you're travelling put the camera in a plastic bag and seal it as best as possible. Maybe the large, white (white to reflect heat), kitchen trash type. Carry some spares in case of tears. Beautiful place, what season are going?
September 17th, 2002, 05:50 AM
I'll be in the Turkana area; doing a couple of videos documenting the work of missionaries, and the Maasai they work with. This will be my first overseas trip with gear; so I appreciate any advice you offer.
One thing I was wondering, and haven't found, was a solar charging pac for my XL1s batteries. Has anyone seen anything?
Jeff Donald
September 17th, 2002, 06:15 AM
I played with solar chargers a few years back. The panels are expensive. I bought cosmetic rejects from the mfg. and it still was well over $100 for the panels. NRG I think may still make them. I used the cigarette lighter in vehicles to charge my batteries. Most drivers were very cooperative.