View Full Version : Beyerdynamic EA86 shoe mount

Bryan Harley
December 24th, 2004, 12:50 AM
I got a EA86 for free with my purchase of the AT897 from B&H. I've got some slight problems though, maybe some other EA86 owners can help me out.

First off... the shockmount does not fit very well in my camera's shoe, it's a little loose. Any recommendations for making it fit, padding of some sort perhaps? I just don't want the thing to fly off my camera during use.

Now curiously, the shockmount is threaded on the bottom. And it came with a metal screw and washers that looks like it should be used to tighted the shockmount to your camera shoe. But the screw is way too big, it doesn't match the threads on the bottom of the camera shoe. So I'm racking my brain thinking...what else could you possibly use this screw for? Crazy Germans!

The description on B&H's site says the threaded input on the bottom is used for mounting to a fish pole or tripod. But the threads have to be around, what looks like, 1/16th of a inch. What fish pole uses 1/16th threads? None I've seen. Mine uses 3/8th, I think. And I've gone to every hardware store in town looking for an adapter piece to fit 1/16th to 3/8th. Doesn't exist. They think I'm crazy.

So...any help?

Pete Bauer
December 24th, 2004, 07:46 AM
Yeah, my EA86 fits very loosely in a cold shoe as well and HAS slipped out of place during shooting. Maybe that's why they're free now (I think I paid $25 or $30 extra for it last year). About the only thing I can think of is to shim it, perhaps with a thin piece of plastic...haven't tried it myself. Now that I know it isn't just mine that is loose, I think I'll have to DIS-recommend this gizmo.

The heavy square-headed metal screw and nut assembly fits a standard microphone mount. The screw would take the place of the mic stand itself and fit into the mic mount/holder (I'm sure there's a more technical name for this, but not being a musician, I have no idea). This link shows roughly what I'm getting at:

So it looks to me like the only real value of the EA86 is that goofy -- but very solid -- metal screw. ;-)

Merry Christmas!

Marty Wein
December 24th, 2004, 08:24 AM
Look at the bottom of the shock mount and you will see that you can unscrew the 1/4" tread adapter and it will become a 3/8" tread.

Once the tread adapter is removed, you can mount it on a boom or use the metal screw that was supplied with the mount.

To use the supplied screw/shoe add both washers onto the screw then add the shockmount. Tighten the top washer to the shockmount and the other washer will be used to lock it down to the camera shoe.

I would not recommend it for boompole use since you can not adjust the angle.

FYI: The adapter you tried to find in hardware stores is available at B&H but I guess you will not need it anymore.

Bryan Harley
December 24th, 2004, 01:31 PM
Wow, thanks very much Marty. I had no idea that un-screwed. Boy do I feel stupid now. Maybe those Germans aren't so crazy after all, just...sly.

Pete Bauer
December 24th, 2004, 05:55 PM
Ja, Ja! Ich hatte keine Idee! Vielen Dank!

Yeah the Germans love their gadgets (and with a name like Peter Bauer, I Germany, it is like "John Smith" is in the US!)

Thanks, Marty...ya learn something new every day! Now I can call today complete!

Bryan Beasleigh
December 24th, 2004, 08:12 PM
Good reasons to buy a K-Tek, which is made by a German Canadian, living and working in LA. (Manfred Klemme)

You won't find a better shock mount and for what you get they're reasonably priced.

K-Tek (

Pete Bauer
December 26th, 2004, 09:08 AM
BTW, I officially retract my dissing of this gizmo, now that I know how to use it!

Bryan Beasleigh
December 26th, 2004, 02:41 PM
It's not the greatest, that's why it's free.

James Lilly
December 30th, 2004, 04:59 PM
Wow, thanks very much Marty. I had no idea that un-screwed. Boy do I feel stupid now. Maybe those Germans aren't so crazy after all, just...sly.

Don't feel bad, it took me 2 months of staring and wondering and finally a trip over to my Green Beret friend. Took him two seconds to figure it out. He still mocks me for it everytime I see him and those guys really know how to make a man feel small:)