View Full Version : iMovie doesn't import from FX1000

Lee Saylor
September 6th, 2009, 04:40 PM

I've searched all eight pages of the FX1000 forum and tried some searches. I need advice and frankly, this has really upset me big time.

I recently bought a used camera (from a DVinfo member).

Today, I'm trying some simple editing (iMovie 7.1.4) on my iMac computer (OSX 10.5.4). The computer recognizes the firewire and controls the camera, ( rewind, stop, play), but... it's not importing!

I tried an old camera I have and iMovie imports.

What is going on? Why does my iMovie only recognize the camera to a point, but won't import?

I mentioned that I'm upset. I'm worried.

I need some help.

Thank you,
Lee Saylor

John Gayman
September 6th, 2009, 07:32 PM
Interesting. I don't see see HDR-FX1000 on Apple's hardware compatibility list for either iMovie '08 or iMovie '09. The list seems to be missing quite a few HD models.

I see the FX1000 is listed for Final Cut Pro 7.0.x

Is the other camera that you tested an HD camera using the same format?

Lee Saylor
September 6th, 2009, 10:49 PM

Man, you may have hit right on it.

It never entered my mind that I may have to upgrade to the FCP. I bet that's what the problem is.

No, the older camera isn't HD.

I'm going to check with Apple Tuesday and see if they can shed some light.

But hey, thank you very much. I really appreciate your response.

Lee saylor

Adam Gold
September 6th, 2009, 11:20 PM
If it imports from the non-HD cam but not the HDV cam (presuming the FX1000 is in HDV mode) then you may have a wrong preset in iMovie. Make sure everything is set to HDV in both iMovie and the cam if that's what you shot and are trying to import.

This is almost always the cause of the problem you describe.

Terence Murphy
September 7th, 2009, 04:44 PM
We use iMovie 6 for a lot of quick-and-dirty editing, and iMovie 6 won't import from my Z1U if it is in down-convert mode. It will import if recorded in DV mode, and will import and transcode to AIC if recorded in HDV mode, but iMovie 6 insists on switching to a HD format if the recording is in HDV, even if the output coming from Firewire is in DV. Very annoying.

I never tried anything with iMovie 7 or later, but maybe it's doing the same thing with your FX1000 footage?


Rod Bourne
September 10th, 2009, 07:50 AM
I have the FX-1000 and A new MacBook 13 inch.... Thought I had the same problem..

MAKE SURE YOU START A New Project before you start the import...

Bet ya it'll work now!

(make sure your using the latest MAX Operating system!