View Full Version : Wedding Documentary Montage

Christopher Lefchik
December 21st, 2004, 12:42 PM
This is a collection of the title intro and three montages from a wedding video I made for a close friend of mine. The video was done more documentary style, with coverage of some of the preparations from the day before the wedding. This was the first time I filmed a wedding. Please let me know your opinion. And don’t miss the out takes (linked from the same page).

The Wedding of Rebecca Ulmer and Andrew Shepard (

As a behind the scenes note, this was not too long after my wisdom teeth were pulled. There were some complications with bleeding, and several times I had to have things stitched up again. Well, the day before the wedding as we were nearing our destination my mouth started bleeding again. Now, this was in the middle of rural Kansas (i.e, nowhere), and after the last time when three doctors had worked on me I hadn’t expected any more problems and so hadn’t brought medical gauze with me. My mom had some teabags, though, so that afternoon I ran around filming with teabags stuffed in my cheeks. Ah, the life of a videographer.

Thankfully, after that day there were no more problems with bleeding, ever.

Ben Lynn
December 21st, 2004, 10:09 PM
I liked it. I don't know exactly what made it go for me but overall I just thought that it was very nice. I think that it's probably the really nice b roll that you had. Are you a news photog? That was the b roll style that I saw and I like that.

The outtakes, kind of slow and not that interesting unless your the client.

Nice work.

Ben Lynn

Christopher Lefchik
December 22nd, 2004, 12:44 PM
I liked it. I don't know exactly what made it go for me but overall I just thought that it was very nice. I think that it's probably the really nice b roll that you had. Are you a news photog? That was the b roll style that I saw and I like that.

Actually, no, I’m not a news photog, at this point I’m a just a student. But most of the videography/still photography I do is documentary-style, so I guess it’s not surprising you’d see a similarity. But it’s nice to know that I’m doing a good job at it.

The outtakes, kind of slow and not that interesting unless your the client.

Hmm, that’s odd. I really tried to go for a fast pace on this piece. Perhaps it lasted a little long?

Nice work.

Thank you. I appreciate the feedback.

Doug Fearman
December 28th, 2004, 07:16 AM
Very nice job.

Christopher Lefchik
December 29th, 2004, 01:42 PM
Thank you!