View Full Version : Firewire Problem

Ray Lane
December 19th, 2004, 08:24 AM

I had a problem pop up today, and I hope someone can shed some light for me. I have a DVC80, and I had it hooked up to my G4 this morning. It was working fine. I needed to hook it up to my G5, so I shut it off, removed the firewire cable from the G4, plugged it into the G5, and turned it on. Now I get nothing. No connection. I tried putting it back on the G4, still nothing. I then changed the cable, and still nothing!

What did I do? How can I fix this? HELP!!!

Jesse Bekas
December 20th, 2004, 01:45 AM
My older Panny has an option to turn DV out on. Assuming you can shut DV out on and off, is there any chance it got shut off when turning the cam off?

Masood Haque
January 13th, 2005, 01:39 PM
I was working fine with my mac and firewire until yesterday. Now suddenly the computer won't recognize my camera. I have changed the wire, attached the camera directly to the computer, I don't know what is wrong. did you ever find out what was wrong with your firewire connection?