View Full Version : DVC30 Focus Problem?

Kevin James
December 18th, 2004, 07:10 PM
I received my new DVC30 on Friday. Today while reviewing some test footage I noticed what looked like the focus jumping around. I tested in the house here on a tripod and it is indeed the focus jumping around. In MF the shot is perfectly sharp, while in AF the AF system appears to be pecking just a hair in and out of focus constantly. Is this just the nature of the AF sytem on this camera or might I have a lemon? Thanks!

Mark Williams
December 19th, 2004, 08:09 AM

This is not usual on stationary objects. The only time I have seen this in auto-focus on my DVC 30 is on moving targets such as rushing water in a river where there is too much motion to lock in on or a small moving bird where there is not enough. As a side note I almost always use manual focus. Maybe others can chime in.



Kevin James
December 19th, 2004, 09:50 PM
From poking aroudn I've coem to the conclusion this is a DVC30 minor drawback......on the plus side users on another board turned me on the the EVF detail/peaking feature.....makes focusing easy in manual mode!

Can anyone explain how the evf/lcd peaking works?

Alex Gee
December 20th, 2004, 01:03 AM
I've just finished looking at 3 hours of theatre stage footage shot using auto focus and there is no sign of the effect you describe. After reading your post I also sat the camera on a tripod and pointed at a variety of stationary objects in the room and again the focus was rock solid throughout.
You might well have a dodgy unit.

Tommy Haupfear
December 20th, 2004, 08:20 AM
Kevin, how was the lighting indoors when you first tested your DVC30?

Viewfinder peaking is obtained by exaggerating the outline of an image when sharply focused. A very handy feature indeed.

Kevin James
December 20th, 2004, 11:14 AM
I first noticed the problem on outdoor footage, then the testing was done indoors on a wood slat closet door, lite by 3 100watt bulbs......I'll try and post some footage tonight. I have until Friday on my exchange/return period with B+H. I must say my footage when manually focusing is stellar. So much that I'm not really worried about the af problem quite as much as I was. In Adam Wilt's review he mentions seeing this problem on some static objects.

Michael DeMichele
February 1st, 2005, 08:08 AM
I find your DVC30 auto-focus problem odd. When I tested a GS200 in my local circuit city, I noticed the AF was hunting and pecking all over the place in a very well lit store. Just got done burning a DVD from my first hour of DVC30 footage and the AF was on 100% of the time. The focus was rock solid throughout. Even when someone passed by in front of the cam, the picture blurred only for what seemed to be a mili-second and then the focus locked right back on. The conditions were indoors on a sunny day, then into the evening with very average household lighting, Focus remained tight even into the evening hours. After setting the WB manually, I shot in auto mode all day as there was no need to add gain or slow down the shudder. I'd say there was no difference in evening AF, although there was a slight grain/increased noise when shooting the darker areas of the house. To be expected, although I certainly expected more grain/noise than what I got. Very fast and solid AF, I could not be happier.

Kevin James
February 1st, 2005, 08:23 AM
I'm probably going to have to send it out to Panny at some point here during the warranty period. How are they about fast service? Anybody had to send one out?