View Full Version : Lens advice!

November 20th, 2001, 10:49 AM

I'm gearing up to shoot a digital movie w/ my xl1 and i know i need a manual lens .The question is i'm not sure if i should get the Canon 14x manual lens(you can get it for under 1000 now that the 16x came up) for the xl1 or the eos adapter and use a eos lens.Is the eos lens sharper than the xl manual lens?Does it has any other advantage over the xl lens?The eos has the problem about it becomes a telescopic lens on the xl1 right?Is there a work around(wide adapters or so?) wich i could get it close to work like the xl lens?I probably would need a zoom eos lens right,are they expensive?Could you give me any model numbers for i research?

Thanks for your help and time!


Chris Hurd
November 20th, 2001, 11:29 AM

You need to read an article on the Watchdog by Michael Pappas called "Rack Focus Workaround" which describes using the EF adapter with an EOS lens and a wide-angle adapter. However that combination is much more expensive than the standard manual XL lens. See also my Guide to XL1 Lens Options on the Watchdog.

In short, don't bother with the EF lens adapter unless you *really need* the extreme telephoto focal lengths it gives you (for wildlide, surveillance, etc.).

There are more than 65 different EOS lenses which can be used with the EF adapter on the XL1. They range anywhere from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars... it's a wide range.

November 20th, 2001, 07:39 PM
Thanks Chris!

I will check the article.I just tought that if the eos could get me a better picture it would be better to use it but if it (the combination you said)is much more expensive than the XL manual lens i don't think it would worth it since i heard the canon manual zoom lens is the same the canon makes to the broadcast market.I thing that i learned early on this field is that you need to strive to get the best quality you can afford,but if it doesnt make a lot of difference or is away more costy it make no sense.That's why i needed to check.
Thanks for all your help.

Best regards,
