View Full Version : Voice over advice!

Jake Russell
December 13th, 2004, 11:53 AM

I've got to do some tutorials. Screen capture type stuff using Snapz Pro X which will end-up on a dvd-rom (maybe cd!) As an audio n00b I'd like ideas of the set-up I need for the voice capture side of things. I may be doing a bit of this kind of thing so all ideas are welcome.

There are options to include mac & mic soundtracks while screen capturing so a mic that the G4 mac will pick-up for that would be a good option I presume!

I've seen the Sony ECM-MS907 and wondered if that is an ok mic to use? What mac apps capture audio? (if I can't get the while capturing side of things to work) Logic Express? Peak? or should I use the FCP voiceover tool?

Cheers for any comments,


Imran Zaidi
December 13th, 2004, 12:00 PM
Your exact question has actually been tackled several times in a few different ways in this forum. I'd recommend using the search for that phrase 'voice over' or just thumb through the posts in the Now Hear This forum and you'll find most of the info you're looking for, if not all.

Douglas Spotted Eagle
December 13th, 2004, 12:02 PM
If you want a good giggle over voice over related stuff, try this link:
Warning, it's about 2 megs worth of video stream.

Jake Russell
December 13th, 2004, 05:53 PM
Ok I'll have a search :-) (that's what I'd of told me!)

Any help on how to get this AT804 seen by my mac would be welcome though...



Matt Gettemeier
December 13th, 2004, 07:53 PM
Douglas, thanks for taking the time and effort to illustrate your points. I'm really grateful for the handful of pros on these boards who go to the trouble to educate others rather then simply type out responses. Good job.

Douglas Spotted Eagle
December 13th, 2004, 08:02 PM
Ummm....I didn't even type out a response, I just pointed to a video. But I thought it was a funny one, eh?
Seriously, I really enjoy this community. I visit/spend time in a lot of them, and this one and the DMN are the only two that aren't full of a bunch of whiny, snotty, teen-age oriented wanna-bee's that take potshots at ANYONE who is successful in this biz. Can't tell you enough....
Thanks Chris, even though you hear this a billion times, for having a truly decent and professional community.