Adrian J. Hare
September 5th, 2009, 06:34 AM
Just wondered if someone could shead some light on what a freelance videoer with HD camera and equipment would make in a Day or week from a producer ?
any help here would be appreacated...
Lauri Kettunen
September 5th, 2009, 07:57 AM
Just wondered if someone could shead some light on what a freelance videoer with HD camera and equipment would make in a Day or week from a producer ?
Wayne, do you ask, how much a freelance wildlife shooter is paid to work for a day/week with his own equipment?
I think most people work on a project base, but to answer the question I think you raised, if you have professional level equipment, then for a day its reasonable to ask at least something above $1000. In the same spirit, a week starts from somewhere around $3500-$5000. But, it is very difficult to say anything certain. Some people ask already $1000 for a day rent of a basic Red One kit. Furthermore, it all depends on the results and the quality of the work.
Jonathan Shaw
September 8th, 2009, 05:58 PM
Wildlife is probably the bottom end of the pay scale. I reckon unless you are a know quantity with HDCAM / HDCAM SR / RED then you'll be looking at decent money. HDV, XDCAM EX...... I reckon you'll struggle.
Unless your shooting your own project then marketing them for DVD or some other product.
Steve Phillipps
September 9th, 2009, 01:34 AM
Definitely John! We tend to do it for the pleasure more than the money and the producers know it!
The International Association of Wildlife Film-makers negotiated a minimum rate with the BBC a couple of years back and that works as a reasonable benchmark. They decided on £250 a day as the minimum, with £400-£500 a day for the most in-demand and experienced cameramen. This is without any kit.
Steve Bowman
September 9th, 2009, 04:23 AM
We did some Kangaroo footage many years ago - 35mm slo mo
magic light / magic action
been selling that as Stock Footage for about 15 years
probably paid for my investment of 4 days waiting
there is no formula - but a very nice way to build your portfolio Steve Bowman