View Full Version : Teaching at-risk youth Video Production

david jacobson
September 9th, 2002, 10:42 PM
For over 20 years I've been producing video for corp. and recently for non-profits and PBS documentary on social causes. While working with the 9 Bay Area Counties Departments of Family and Children's Services in Northern CA I along with others have developed a program we cal WAVES (Workshops for Audio-Visual-Editing-Scripting) to teach 13-18 at-risk and Foster youth the acumen of video production. We have started production on a 1 hour documentary styled production titled "When Love Matters Most" (Why Become A Foster Parent). I mention all this to preface my request...We currently have one (1) Canon XL1 and it is being used for all our production, but as our production increases we are stopped because we only have one!! We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit so my request is...Does anyone know how or where we could get an XL1 camera Package donated? If so please email me asap - my name is david. Thank you for your consideration.

Ken Tanaka
September 10th, 2002, 05:00 PM
Hello David and Welcome!

Your cause and need certainly sound worthwhile. Off-hand, I would be inclined to approach one or more charitable foundations in your area (there are many). Many of these organizations are funded and directed by famiies, many of whose guidelines would probably encompass the mission of your organization. Yes, you will probably have to do some 'splaining (as Ricky Ricardo might have said) but I think that this group would be your first best hope. You're asking for an extremely modest amount of donation.

You can find a directory of Northern California charitable foundations at:

Good luck with your mission and please report back on your progress.

david jacobson
September 10th, 2002, 06:21 PM
Thank you Ken for your response and suggestion. I have contacted many foundations and organizations seeking their help and while they have been very supportitive in voicing their approval of our program, so far they have not offered their financial assistance. I have been told that this is mostly due to poor stock market returns for many and because many donations to these foundations were sent instead to help the victims of 9/11 2001. But I am not giving up. Please keep the suggestions coming, they all help.

David Jacobson
Never Give Up Media Group
walnut Creek, CA

Jeff Donald
September 10th, 2002, 08:50 PM
Many charitable organizations are prevented by their guidelines from donating to media organizations. Still fewer allow the purchase of equipment or hardware. Ted Turner has an organization that funds media in 501(c)3 and may even allow hardware purchase. Search on Google and I'm sure you can track it down. But proposals for grants take time and many awards only come in an annual cycle. I think your quickest sucess will come from approaching the manufactures or local photographers or productions companies. When I owned my production company in Cincinnati I did charitable work all the time. Have you tried partnering with socially conscious photographers or production companies? Local cable companies usually have production equipment that can be borrowed. I had a local TV station in Cincinnati that was throwing away a couple of Betacam cameras and I got them to donate them to a local vocational school. The vocational school would on occasion open up their studios at night for groups like Boy Scouts. I think your best (and quickest support) will come locally.


Ken Tanaka
September 10th, 2002, 10:03 PM
Well, so much for your first best bet, at least thus far.

It looks like Jeff's ideas may be your next best bet. How is your organization generally funded otherwise? Individual contributions?

david jacobson
September 11th, 2002, 03:03 PM
Wow! This is great! I truly want to thank you for your ideas. With regards to contacting manufacturers I have made contact with the decision maker at Canon, I'm waiting for a response. Mean while if anyone knows anyone...You know the rest. Our organization is funded through Foundation grants such as The Packard Foundation, and individual smaller Foundations plus I personally donate quite a lot as anyone who is passionate about anything can understand. If you are located in the Northern California area and would like to be a guest speaker at one or more of our workshops please contact me, we would be honored to have you.

Ken Tanaka
September 11th, 2002, 03:47 PM
For the benefit of those here who would like to learn more about your program, and/or who would be interested in making a donation to it, please post your organization's contact address and phone number/email address and the formal name of the organization as it would be found on or another charitable organization data base.

david jacobson
September 12th, 2002, 11:26 AM
Thank you Ken for your question. Our program which we call "Making WAVES" (Workshops for Audio Visual Editing Scripting), are under the California Tax Exempt Corporate 501(c)3 umbrella of M.B.H., Inc. and Aspira Foster & Family Services, 333 Gellert Blvd. Suite 203 Daly City, CA 94015. To contact us via phone: Corp. Offices# 650-758-0111 Studio# 925-465-4020 Fax# 925-465-4182 email - If you want all the information about how our program works let me know and I will email you a copy of our program outline. Since our goal is to develop this program in every city nation wide the more inquiries the better. This site is truly full of highly professional individuals with big hearts and big ideas it is wonderful just to be a part of it, thanks.

David Jacobson
Making WAVES
Never Give Up Media Group
Walnut Creek, CA