View Full Version : Thank You, Chris Hurd

Hugh DiMauro
December 9th, 2004, 12:22 PM
I'd like to take a moment to thank Chris Hurd and his labor of love, DV INFO. I must admit that I got out of DV INFO much more than I have ever put into it. Every question about video/film production I ever had was answered. DV Info is an infinite source of knowledge and wisdom for the production community.

I wish great things in life for Chris and all of the moderators involved with every topic on this board. As for the contributing members, our rewards come from the information, helpful hints and movie excerpts we post, view and use.

Happy holidays to all here. Boy, did I ever get the lion's share of DV Info's benefits. My only hope is that I can give back what I got!

(Oh, and by the way, a special thanks to Rick Bravo for behaving himself during this special season. But, like any child counting sugar plums, he wants to ensure his name stays off the "naughty" list. However, that will be a difficult thing because, unbeknownst to him, Santa and I are good friends (really, no kidding) and I tell Santa about every time Bravo waits until he knows I am outside mowing the lawn in 97 degree weather with 98 percent humidity and calls me at home to tell me he's at his favorite watering hole drinking ice cold Black and Tans and eating hot wings. Or maybe the time I was on the bathroom floor bumping my shaved head beneath the sink attempting to fix a pipe leak when he calls to tell me that he and his sainted wife are enjoying delicious Martinis at his favorite Miami restaurant. Oh yes, Bravo, Santa knows all. And I can assure you that you're getting a stocking full of horse manure thsi year. I will guarantee it!)

Mathieu Ghekiere
December 9th, 2004, 01:09 PM
Hugh, if I'm not mistaken such a thread already exists :-D
But to be honest, I don't care, and I think such a thread MUST be re-started after some time because like you said, this site rocks,and you learn more here then in Filmschool (that's my personal feeling, I ain't in filmschool, but in high school where I have lessons video and photography, and learned more in a couple of months reading these boards then 2 years there :-))

So, Chris Hurd, again a very deserved thank you for putting up this great site, and thanks to all DVinfo members who are all very helpful and superb people!

Rick Bravo
December 9th, 2004, 04:17 PM CHEESE EATER! I can't believe you'd rat me out, to Santa, of all people! Hell, I didn't tell your wife about your rendevouz with that little Philipino ELF while in Miami last May!
(And yes, there are stills and video, which will be posted here in the very near future. Forgot we SPECIALIZE in that, huh?)

I must whole heartedly agree and second your comments about Chris...amazing job!

In order not to steal the thunder, (and credibility) away from your comments about the illustrious Mr. Hurd, I will plead the fifth and not attempt to defend myself, as any smart person would. I throw myself at the mercy of the court.

Anyway, Chris...incredible job and I'm proud to be a part of DV Info.



Martinis and mussels at Bonefish Grill tomorrow!!!!

Yi Fong Yu
December 10th, 2004, 01:39 PM
i have seen those philipino elf vides ;^). heheh. they were more like midgets... but that's another issue altogether.

i have to echo the same feeling. chris hurd is awesome. i mean i already have much love for DVI but it really pushed me over the edge when chris did a lens comparison of ALL the lenses from 3x all the way to the EOF. that REALLY REALLY got me into heat... so it's a good thing i'm in the east coast chris.... otherwise i'll be hugging and kissing you for the nice job you've done for this site.

Alfred Okocha
December 10th, 2004, 04:46 PM
We'll have to rename the forum to DV loveboat if you continue like this.. The forum is number one though! One day I hope I'll be able to give back as much as I have recieved here.

Remember this time of year is all about giving and recieving and sharing.. and giving and sharing and recieving.. and

Heath McKnight
December 10th, 2004, 09:16 PM
From all of us at DV Info, we're blushing!


Marco Leavitt
December 11th, 2004, 09:44 AM
I'm glad Hugh started this thread. We just had a premiere a week ago and got a pretty good response. I know we could never have pulled it off without the advice of all the people in this forum, especially since I didn't know anything about videography three years ago. Thanks again Chris and everyone else in here.

Mathieu Ghekiere
December 11th, 2004, 10:41 AM
Yeah, I'm even planning if I can finish my next movie, and it's good enough to send to film festivals, either way, I will put a big thank you to all these members in the end credits! I'm not fooling! I'm a fool, but I'm not fooling!

Dylan Couper
December 12th, 2004, 02:18 AM
Hugh, can you ask Santa to get me a new pimpin' stick?

ANd props to Chris as well. I had the opportunity to meet him in person a little while ago, and must report, contrary to popular belief, he is NOT a giant 12' tall robot armed with missile arms and death ray eyes.

Yi Fong Yu
December 12th, 2004, 03:06 AM
ah darn, ya can't use him as a prop in short films...

Hugh DiMauro
December 13th, 2004, 03:15 PM
Two things I can say about Chris:

1) He hosts a magnificent site.
2) He uses Vitalis, Hask or Brylcreem. Definitely sports the 1950's sitcom look.

Which isn't a bad thing since I'm bald and grow a goatee to offset the baldness.

(He'll probably kick my a*s at the next DV Expo)

Rick Bravo
December 13th, 2004, 10:27 PM
Why do you have to go and "DiMaurolize" the nice, Mr. Hurd.

I thoght his DOO was the cat's meow!


Hugh DiMauro
December 14th, 2004, 07:38 AM
Gee, Rick. That "DiMaurolize" was coined by Officer Bobby Evans when my older brother and I worked on the municipal police department. Bobby "Pretty Boy" Evans (with oversized testicles) used to say "The Police Department is becoming 'DiMaurolized' by the DiMauro brothers."

So, hotshot, you ain't the foist. Oh, great Yogi Berri quote. Another good Yogi quote is

"Ninety percent of this game is fifty percent mental."

Thay just don't make 'em like they used to. Remember when he would do those twenty second movie review TV spots? I almost crapped myself laughing when he did "The Presidio". I think that's the only one he ever did.

Oh, you spell "thought" t-h-o-u-g-h-t.

By the way, Bravo, a neat idea popped into my head...

Rick Bravo
December 15th, 2004, 09:44 AM
One misspelling in 443 posts...and this is the way you treat me!?

I'm heartborken!

Yogi is my hero...along with Leo Gorcey...let's see how many folks on this forum know who HE is!

I hope that idea has something to do with Mojitos and decadent, artery clogging food!


Mathieu Ghekiere
December 15th, 2004, 11:32 AM
Heartborken :-p?

Chris Hurd
December 15th, 2004, 01:01 PM
When it comes to choice of hair pomade, I'm strictly a Dapper Dan man.

It ain't a doo without Dapper Dan.

Jesse Bekas
December 17th, 2004, 03:03 AM
<<<-- Originally posted by Mathieu Ghekiere :...this site rocks,and you learn more here then in Filmschool (that's my personal feeling, I ain't in filmschool, but in high school where I have lessons video and photography, and learned more in a couple of months reading these boards then 2 years there :-))-->>>

I am currently in Film School and am learning a lot more here in terms of tech and practical and professional know-how, but nothing beats hands on experience with an old Arri SR or an H16 Bolex. Your shooting has to rock 'cause when you bring it over to the Steenbeck there's no color correction, post effects, etc...Hell, for anybody that hasn't shot film, can you even imagine what it's like having to do fade outs, split screens, dissolves, camera with a matte box and rewind crank? (Not that it's hard, but if you forget a fade-out there's no way to put it back in later!). What we learn here is less like film school and more like the stuff you'd learn in your first couple of years pro (I'm assuming), without having to make all the mistakes yourself first.

Not to just parrot everyone else, but thanks so much for our video home, Chris, and all those invloved in keeping it running so smoothly (yes, even Dylan C. - j/k). It's always a treat coming here!

Nick Kerpchar
December 18th, 2004, 02:46 PM
I agree and add my "Thank You" to Chris for a great site !

Best wishes for the Holidays and Hook Em Horns. Nick