View Full Version : lens conversions for the DVX100?

Laura Beth Love
December 9th, 2004, 02:02 AM
Anyone have the conversions for the 35mm format equivalent of the DVX-100s lens markings, and the favorite wide angle adapter and lens converter for that matter?

Chris Hurd
December 9th, 2004, 02:21 AM
Hi Laura,


Tom Hardwick
December 11th, 2004, 10:01 AM
Don't forget that the 35mm frame is 2:3 so is noticeably wider than the squarish 4:3 screen on your DVX. If you get a conversion that's correct for the vertical, then it's incorrect for the diagonal and horizontal, so take the figures you see with a pinch of salt. But go for 32.5 mm to 325 mm as a starting point, and remember that zoon lens tolerances can mean you have a 9.5x zoom that starts at 34 mm and it can still be within Panasonic's build specification, whatever the badge.
