View Full Version : Who can sign location release at a Catholic Church?

Lloyd Ubshura
September 4th, 2009, 05:50 PM
The question pretty much says it all. I have a local priest who is willing to sign a location release for some shots inside and outside of a church, but is that good enough?

Is the local priest/pastor good enough, or does the Pope himself need to sign this thing? At what point in the hierarchy can an official sign and have it carry weight?

I'm assuming the local priest can't and that it's someone before the Pope. Any thoughts?

Jacques E. Bouchard
September 6th, 2009, 03:16 PM
We've shot twice in a church. Both times it was the administration that signed the release form, and we "donated" $50 to the church, which we put in the release form.


Shaun Roemich
September 6th, 2009, 04:03 PM
At the risk of treading on dangerous ground: daily operations of the brick and mortar BUILDING are a business affair and someone within the organization will be tasked as a business manager, whether or not it is a member of the clergy. I would ASSUME that this person is fully capable of signing said release, possibly after consultation with any interested parties, clergy or otherwise.

Don Bloom
September 6th, 2009, 04:06 PM
I've had releases signed in more than a few churches and in 95% of the cases it's been the preist. Big churches small and inbetween. No one will question the authory of the guy with the collar. At least not around my neighborhood.

Chris Davis
September 6th, 2009, 07:46 PM
The question pretty much says it all. I have a local priest who is willing to sign a location release for some shots inside and outside of a church, but is that good enough?

Is the local priest/pastor good enough, or does the Pope himself need to sign this thing? At what point in the hierarchy can an official sign and have it carry weight?

I'm assuming the local priest can't and that it's someone before the Pope. Any thoughts?

It's not really your concern if they're the last guy in the food chain (well, don't have any random passer-by sign it...) Whoever signs the release is also affirming that they have the authority to sign it. Your location release should have some wording to that effect ("I the undersigned declare that I have the authority to grant the above permission.")

Lloyd Ubshura
September 10th, 2009, 08:55 PM
Thanks guys. I didn't know anyone had even responded, looks like I gott'a fix my notification settings.

I've got the priest to sign the release, and added the phrase Chris mentioned. I'm sure everything will be fine.

Thanks everyone for your input!

Chris Swanberg
September 10th, 2009, 10:19 PM
Here is my 2 cents. If someone with "ostensible authority" signs, you are probably safe. But who decides whether a local priest has it? (Personally...I think you are ok if the priest signs). Ideally it should be the Catholic Doicese which the church is in. I'd say THAT would be bulletproof.

Chris Swanberg