View Full Version : Anton Bauer adapter won't stretch...any ideas?

Oliver Power
December 7th, 2004, 07:21 PM
I'm trying to attach the Anton Bauer QR-XL1C to attach to my XL2. I have the Canon supplied rear plate screwed in to the camera, and now the AB adapter is screwed to that via the small area with the 3 screws at the bottom. Seems okay, only trouble is the adapter that plugs into the camera's battery-in socket won't reach - the cord is just too short. Am I missing something? Any thoughts or ideas would be great.



Oliver Power
December 7th, 2004, 07:49 PM
I think I've just figured out the solution/problem. The actual AB gold mount which was attached to the AB metal plate via the 'upper' set of 4 holes. There is a slightly lower 'lower' set of 4 holes. I took off the mount and reattached using the 'lower' holes and the cord just barely stretches. It is very tight and I just pray that on a shoot the cord doesn't yank out of the battery connector. This could work better this setup.


Greg Boston
December 8th, 2004, 03:50 PM
Check a little further down the XL-2 forum.

This poster got a solution from Anton Bauer.
