View Full Version : File management anyone :-)

Lars Siden
December 4th, 2004, 03:11 PM

I've just un-popped my thumb from a darker place and finally started to capture all my tapes. I'll capture about 30 tapes using Scenalyzer. I'll save a 5min index + the captured tape in a structure like this


(Z: is my mediaserver ).

Since many of the tapes are used at home - they'll contain many different scenes ( like my birthday party, then some child play in the park, then some scenes with my father etc etc )

Now I'd like to compile dvds/films based on certain persons - for instance my father is very old, 87 - and I know that my brothers would like to have all my material where he is visible. So my need is:

* A Program which let me hook up a filename to a short comment
* Preferably I'd like to drag'n'drop the files from this "log program" into Premiere Pro.

As I see it I have at least 2 options

1. Use scenalyzer ( but it isn't really made for taking notes )
2. Make shortcuts to all the clips that is connected to my father, save the shortcuts in a seperate folder. Write notes in notepad. To access the files use right-click -> find target, drop it to PPro.

So pleae, enlighten me! How would you do? Are there any nice utils out there that I've missed? Or maybe I have missed some nice features in PPro / Scenalyzer.


// Lazze \\

Rob Lohman
December 6th, 2004, 03:53 AM
Why do you not use scene detection (also in Scenalyzer). This
will split up the tape into different files for each scene so you get:


for example. This way you can watch the files and rename them
to something okay:


for example. Ofcourse it is pretty heavy manual labor and I
personally don't know of an application that kinda automates
this task.

Lars Siden
December 6th, 2004, 05:44 AM
Hi Rob,

I DO use scenedetection in Scenalyzer - so the files are named "tape_01_2004-12-01.avi" etc etc So I could rename the clips ..

But soon there will be an application - VDM - Video Diary Manager ... or so :-) Wrote the core functions last night ( a fileamanager with Drag'n'Drop capabilites )

// Lazze \\