Isidro Urquia
December 3rd, 2004, 03:14 PM
hi im isidro in nyc. my question is about creating diferent looks with the xl2. i just shot my second dv film and my first with the mini35 adapter. i want to plan and run some test with the menu controls, gama, chroma. ect. sencond question. i shot with the color matrix on cine and have notice that some of the shooters on the forum are not using it. did i lost some resolution and color with my choice? when is color matrix cine usefull?
Rob Lohman
December 4th, 2004, 06:45 AM
Yes you can loose color by using different curves since colors will
be crushed and/or expanded at different positions (following the
curve). So if you want the most optimal image to work with in post
you should do such things in post, not on the camera.
However, if you like the look and don't change colors in post or
can work with the curves the camera handles there is no reason
not to use it. In the end it is all about you, the camera and the
workflow you are working with.