View Full Version : Export to CFHD codec slow and wrong pixel size?

David Cherniack
December 3rd, 2004, 11:09 AM
Hi David,

I tried exporting a 25i timeline (cineframe 25 clips) both as upper field first and progressive. Both cases the render out was far slower than i expected - about a minute for a 6 second timeline.

Just in case it had something to do with the frame format I tried it with a 30i timeline. About the same speed.

Any reason why it should be so slow?

Also while square pixels were set, when imported the clip came in as 1.3 aspect ratio. Is this a settings thing or is it a yet to be fixed thing?


David Newman
December 3rd, 2004, 03:00 PM
Premiere render is not a fast as it could be, but the main issue is Premiere's lack of support for 1.333 pixel aspect ratio which shows up on exports to format that can handle 1.333. Premiere is throwing in a image scale (becuase of the aspect ration) that is slowing down your exports. This Adobe bug will be addressed very soon -- NDAs prevent me explaining rather.

David Cherniack
December 3rd, 2004, 03:15 PM
<<<-- This Adobe bug will be addressed very soon -- NDAs prevent me explaining rather. -->>>

Hopefully along with all the other irritating things I find about Premiere Pro:) - I wonder if the Adobe folks listen to anyone other than God and even He.....

David Cherniack
December 3rd, 2004, 03:45 PM
Actually I'm just encountering one of the weaknesses of Premiere's titling. (Your demo codec is giving me the opportunity to put PPro through its paces) There's no ability to do text animations in the Title tool. I gather that if I do them in AE I can't render them out into CFHD in a way that the clip can be laid in a video track with alpha pass thru - .unless there a way to do this that I'm not seeing. The ability to move titles around without having to render is an incredible time saver.


David Newman
December 3rd, 2004, 03:58 PM
Yes, alpha channel support in CFHD is not in yet (future version.) For animated tiles in AE use uncompressed 32bit RGBA exports and import into PPro. For simple motion titles (static overlays in motion), use Aspect HD's real-time support for the Premiere motion panel.