View Full Version : Short Music Video

Dmitry Yun
December 2nd, 2004, 02:27 PM
Heyo fellas I posted a new music video up, So check it out and tell me what you think.


Dmitry Yun
December 4th, 2004, 10:48 PM
Hi fellas. Any responses? Thoughts? What do you think of the conept? I know it's not finished but I'm working on it. What do you guys think of this so far?


Michael Bernstein
December 5th, 2004, 12:43 AM
I clicked on your link and got the following error page:

Not Found
The requested URL /kikosneakop was not found on this server.

Apache/1.3.26 Server at Port 80


Alex B Henderson
December 5th, 2004, 01:49 AM
It's actually on:

Here's my take: Nice idea, technically nice execution, but not exactly stunningly exciting material. It sort of took a little too long to get to the "reveal the trick" phase (where you have all three at the same time), if I wasn't watching it critically and instead just for fun, well, you would have lost me about 30 seconds in.

The pace of the music and the pace of the images wasn't really well sync'ed in my mind, the music is fairly quick and snappy, and the changes were (especially at the start) very leisurely.

I do like that the color matches nicely, that the train appear in some frames not others, etc. It's humorous...


Dmitry Yun
December 5th, 2004, 09:50 AM
Hey I remember the link was right what happened to it? I think it's the wranglers messing with it :) Thanx for the crtical response Alex. as I said the video is not really done something I put together in 10 minutes but I understand exactly what your saying that's not the song that is supposed to be there at all and the images are going to change alot more often in the final version.

Thanks Dmitry.

Michael Bernstein
December 5th, 2004, 07:34 PM
Here's the clickable link to the wmv file itself:

I found the first two minutes very soothing and pleasant. The dancer is obviously talented, and part of my pleasure was in seeing how he pulled off some of his moves with so little apparent effort. I was disappointed in the quality of the audio, because high-rate (high-quality) sound is cheaper (bandwidth-wise) to encode than video, but I was still able to enjoy the music.

After a while my interest wandered a bit--around 2:30.

I feel like you can certainly take it to another level, and I would be interested to see it.


Alfredo Castil
December 8th, 2004, 10:24 AM
Good Job,

It feels incomplete, a little bare (and not in a zen kind of way.)
I thought the horizontal lines were too much, it didn't work with me.

However I would love to see a more completed version of it.

John Britt
December 8th, 2004, 03:31 PM
I think you did a wonderful job with the effect; especially with the full screen, all-three-at-once composite. But I agree with the other critiques: this seems a little unfinished. But, as you said, that's exactly what it is.

Without hearing the final music, I can't speak specifically, but with the existing track, the pacing seems off; perhaps too slow. I keep wanting you to cut to the next vertical line sooner, and to mix up the shots with close-ups and more full-frame shots.

And, on the nit-picking side (because you handled the effect very well, otherwise), the illusion was a little ruined for me when the train went by (the scene where the smaller box is next to the middle vertical shot). Had it been visible in both frames, I would've thought, "Wow, Dmitry has got this down!" Right now, though, it messes with the suspension of disbelief. But, like I said, otherwise the effect is handled pretty well.

I'd like to see the final product at some point...

Dmitry Yun
December 8th, 2004, 04:07 PM
Guys, I appreciate the great responses. I'm going to reshoot this on a mini35 adapter and I'll get the final version done soon.


Drew Daywalt
December 9th, 2004, 10:11 PM
Great job.

I used to do a lot of music videos for MTV Europe and your stuff looks very Euro (that's a compliment!).

Good work. I'm really looking forward to seeing your completed video.
