Marius Boruch
September 3rd, 2009, 07:26 PM
I have a original EX1 mp4 clip that I can PLAY in the browser preview window BUT I can't import it to Vegas or open in any other player or convert to any file or copy/paste. It shows error in all aplications. I also tried to shortne the file by seting new markers but I can't save the file within new markers. What to do? I must recover that file. It plays OK in preview window - strange.
I copied the file back to Ex1; expanded the clip; added shot mark 1 on second expanded thumbnail and shot mark 2 at the end thumb and camera will not allow me to divide the clip??? I guess I follow all steps as described in manual but I can't divide the clip... it is inactive. Am I doing something wrong?
Brooks Graham
September 3rd, 2009, 08:40 PM
Does it play properly in the camera? If it does, try copying the clip to an SxS card in the other slot and see if the copy works better.
It's a shot in the dark, but hey, stranger things have happened. ;-)
Marius Boruch
September 3rd, 2009, 08:48 PM
I has a fraction of a second audio noise but video plays OK - ONLY in camera and EX XDCAM Clip Browser Preview window! other players and aplications crash showing file error. I MUST recove that wedding file. Please help.
Copy to SDHC card didn't help; I was hoping to split the clip and delete begining "noisy" part but I can't figure out how to do it (following the steps in manual).
Brooks Graham
September 3rd, 2009, 08:50 PM
Did you copy it using the camera's copy function?
Paul Kellett
September 4th, 2009, 02:26 AM
So the camera plays it correcty, could you "capture" the clip the old fashioned way onto your pc, just so you can do your edit with the clip, you could find out later what happened.
Brian Cassar
September 4th, 2009, 04:19 AM
I can think of two options of what you can do to save this clip:
1)Try to convert it, using the clip browser to MXF file, and import it to your application (hopefully the clip browser does not crash during the conversion)
2)You can always play back the clip from the camera and use some HD-SDI recorder or HD component recorder to record the clip. You then have to re-capture the clip if it was recorded on tape. This might entail going to some production house and use their equipment for a few minutes, unless you do not already own such equipment. As long as the clip plays in the camera, nothing is lost.
Marius Boruch
September 4th, 2009, 10:34 AM
Thanks for all your help. I managed to capture the clip via FireWire to my old Sony HC1 and then back to Vegas...BUT it was frustrating to find out that it could be played in EX XDCAM player and it couldn't be divided into two separate clips. Program showed me errors.