View Full Version : Vegas Crashing - Any suggestions?

Paul Cascio
September 3rd, 2009, 09:29 AM
Vegas seems to crash - sometimes just vanishing instantly. Seems to happen when I try to view/access media in the bins. Very frustrating, Happens on all 9.0 version, including B.

Jeff Harper
September 3rd, 2009, 11:03 AM
While I can be of no help, I can testify that I experience some strange behaviour with 9. Never experienced anything like it with 6,7 or 8. For example I opened a project I had been working on for days, but many clips were colored red on the timeline and unavailable. Luckily, after closing and reopening project in another instance of Vegas everything returned to normal.

I have found it to be very glitchy, and if I hadn't began the work awhile ago I would not have been using 9. I have found these glitches are present for me with Vista as well as Windows 7, with Vegas 32 bit and 64 bit. I am starting all new projects in Vegas 8, as the headaches just aren't worth it to me.

Paul Cascio
September 3rd, 2009, 12:03 PM
Thanks Jeff. At least I know I don't need a shrink. Well, not for this anyway. :)
Same thing hapens under both XP and W7.

Jeff Harper
September 3rd, 2009, 06:14 PM
The thing that makes me craziest about the darned program is when I hit undo while playing on the timeline it can take 5-7 minutes to go through some kind of rebuilding process...very strange. Being used to undoing while playing with Version 8 with no interruption I keep forgetting to stop playing the timeline...I am in fact waiting right now for it. I absolutely cannot stand this version. If I close the program then the changes I've made are lost...luckily I have no other projects that I began in 9, thank god.

Paul Cascio
September 4th, 2009, 07:18 AM
Update - I may owe Sony, and the Vegas team, an apology on this one. Seems that a Windows 7 driver may have been causing the problem. Usually when programs crash, or vanish, it's a memory or driver problem as software generally has built in provisions for handling it's own issues.

So farr, I've gone about three hours without a crash. Previously, 30 minutes was the norm.

I still love you Vegas.

Jeff Harper
September 4th, 2009, 08:36 AM
Maybe Vegas just needed some kind of "break-in" with Windows and it has straightened itself out...I find Windows 7 to be a great OS.

Paul Cascio
September 4th, 2009, 08:53 AM
Maybe I spoke too soon. I'm still getting some crashes, but not the vanishing act. Seems to involve CHFD.DLL, so I'll post to the Cineform forum.