View Full Version : Chicago area?

Bob Zimmerman
November 27th, 2004, 12:14 PM
Can Anyone from Chicago tell me if there is a camera store in the Chicago area that has either the Sony PD-170 or the DVX-100a. I would like to handle them before I make up my mind.

Don Bloom
November 27th, 2004, 04:11 PM
Hate to say it but there is none that I'm aware of.

Roscor rentals used to handle 150's but I don't believe they do any more and I can't recall seeing any at Replay Video on Ontario St. Helix is a Canon distributor and DVW is online only (part of Roscor). It's unbelievable that a city like Chicago doesn't have anywhere that I know of to "play" as it were with video gear. Years ago Helix was THE place for still gear and you could spend the day there trying all the different goodies. Too bad there's no place like B&H here.

Don B