View Full Version : Cineform - CFHDCodec.qtx detected by antivirus avira

Marcelo Mazzariol
September 3rd, 2009, 06:11 AM
I have NEO-Player installed. Antivirus (Avira) keep warning "CFHDCodec.qtx heurustic detected suspicious file".

I strongly believe this is a false warning, so i always tell antivirus to ignore, but it pops up every time.

Does someone have similar problem? Can it be fixed?


Ian Lewis
September 3rd, 2009, 10:03 AM
I have the same. As far as I can tell (unless I missed something) it seems with Avira all you can do is send them the file and they'll decide whether it's OK or not. Which I've done, so they might change their definitions eventually. There's no local "whitelist". So I've just been clicking on Avira's "ignore" option. It's annoying, though.

Marcelo Mazzariol
September 3rd, 2009, 10:10 AM
Thanks Ian. I will do that too. Lets hope Avira updates their definitions soon.

William N Zarvis
October 22nd, 2009, 08:58 PM
I've installed the neo-player as well and avira keeps giving me the same warning. It is annoying that you can't whitelist it.

William N Zarvis
October 26th, 2009, 09:32 PM
I finally got avira to stop warning me about the CFHDCodec.qtx file!

Using avira version 9 go into "Configuration". Make sure you're in expert mode.
Click the plus sign next to "Scanner" and then "Scan".
Click the "Exception" tab.
Type in the name of the file (CFHDCodec.qtx) in the "file objects to be omitted for the scanner" and add it.

Then go back and do the same under the Guard, Scan, and Exception tab.
Type in the CFHDCodec.qtx file again, under "File objects to be omitted for the Guard", and add it.

This should stop Avira from giving you the pop-up on this file everytime it is used! Hope this helps those with the same problem.

Rafael Guetta
November 30th, 2009, 12:03 AM
Thanks buddy! Works great!

Axel Mertes
December 4th, 2009, 04:34 AM

I had the same issue and asked David about it, here is the answer:

"One other virus company had the same issue (AVG), but they recently fixed it. Virus checkers don't always understand protection wrappers, and Quicktime has it wrapper around the protection wrapper, so it look weird. It can't be changed, so AVIRA AntiVir needs to change."

So I did the same what you guys did, upload that file and wait for Avira to fix their code. Really annoying...

But thanks for the tip how to whitelist it. Tried it before and didn't find the trick of entering it two times to get it going...
