Grey Lee
November 26th, 2004, 12:28 PM
Hi all!
my first post here. what an achievement.
Hey it seems like there are quite a few DVC30 users out there. I'm currently tossing up between the GS400 and DVC30. The DVX100a is just TOO big to be lugging around for me. Has anyone got any sample footage from the DVC30 or know where I could find some? Just to get an idea of the video quality as compared to the GS400.
One more question: Does the zoom/ focus ring on the DVC30 switch quickly and easily between functions?
Leigh Wanstead
November 26th, 2004, 02:39 PM
Hi Grey,
Great achievement to make your first post. 8 )
I also shot some video by my gs400.
Here is the link.
Grey Lee
November 27th, 2004, 09:56 AM
Actually what I was after was dvc30 footage. I've seen two of your clips Leigh and found them pleasing to the eye. Why always slugs? but then I guess why not.....
I like the GS400 footage but I'm looking for some decent low indoor lighting capabilities.
Tommy Haupfear
November 27th, 2004, 10:05 AM
If you need low light performance then you can scratch the GS400 off your list and go for the DVC30. One of the DVC30's main selling points is its better than average low light performance compliments of its low pixel count 1/4" CCDs.
Brian Carrell
November 27th, 2004, 04:38 PM
What type of subject/shooting are you wanting to do, and what do you define as low light? (60w bulb in a living room, outside after dusk) Let me know and I'll see if I can rustle up a clip or two for you.
Grey Lee
November 27th, 2004, 06:24 PM
I'm hoping to be able to shoot decent footage in a medium sized room with one flouro tube, and at other times just with average household lighting, like several 60watt bulbs. I just found my nv-ds65 to be VERY grainy in anything less than sunlight or inside on a sunny day, especially grainy under fluoros. Also when shooting with sunlit windows at in background (of shot) I get terrible flaring and silhouetting on the foreground subjects . I'm hoping for better results in these situations with the dvc30.
Thanks guys
Grey Lee
November 30th, 2004, 04:33 AM
I guess its not the easiest thing in the world to put clips online for me to gander at , but what about jsut some frame grabs of the dvc30 in low light? Indoor and outdoor are both of interest to me. I'djust like to know wht kind of low light performance I can expect from this cam in a few different situations. Frame grabs would be great.
I know that in ideal situations one has time to set up lights but at other times one just doesn't have the preparation time. If I could set up lighting for all of my shots I would probably go with the GS400, but there are some situations where I won't be able to bring in lighting and just have to make do with what's there. That's the kind of shooting I would love to see some frame grabs or if possible short clips of.
Any help is appreciated.
Brian Carrell
November 30th, 2004, 12:35 PM
Grey, I am working on it. I'll have something for you later on this day.