View Full Version : XL2 -> FS -> FCP questions

Benjamin Kantor
November 24th, 2004, 09:58 PM
Hello, I'm a long time lurker and first time poster. I'm currently DPing and editing an indie feature using an XL2 NTSC, a Firestore FS-1, and Final Cut Pro HD. I have some questions that I can't seem to find definitive answers to, so if any of you would be so kind as to tackle them, I would greatly appreciate it:

1. When I try to import directly off the XL2 (not using the Firestore), FCP reports a timecode error and refuses to continue. I have no reason to believe that there is anything wrong with the timecode. I have tried this with multiple tapes in multiple modes. Is there a setting on the XL2 or FCP that needs to be tweaked?

2. This is more of a Firestore question, but can it actually improve the quality of your footage over what you would have on a DV tape? My understanding is that even if you are saving a .mov or .avi, it is still taking the same DV stream that would have been saved to tape and converting it to one of those formats. However, I saw some screenshots that compared tape footage to .mov footage saved with FS which seemed to imply that the FS footage was sharper.

3. From what I understand, importing 24p 2:3:3:2 pulldown to FCP in 24 frame Capture Preset will drop the BC frame and give you the 24p that you want, but what if I save 24p footage with the Firestore? How do I tell FCP to drop that frame and treat it as 2:3:3:2? Is simply having a 24 frame Sequence Preset enough?

4. As a sort of follow up to the last question, could any of you share your 24P/16:9 XL2 -> FCP or XL2 -> FS -> FCP workflow and Capture/Sequence Presets? Screenshots would be awesome.

5. My final output is digital projection- how do I get FCP to output an 854x480 Quicktime instead of a stretched 720x480?


Benjamin Kantor