View Full Version : good second camera

Jon French
November 23rd, 2004, 01:19 PM
ok I have a vx2100 right now that i use for weddings, i would like a good backup/second camera for the ceremony mainly. I know i should just probably get a pd-170 but I just love the picture the 100a puts out. I also like the idea of a xl1s because its a shoulder cam. i dont really have to worry about it performing bad in low light because i will still have my vx.
this is what i have came up for the good and the bad of each choice
picture will cut perfectly with my vx without any problem
all the batteries and accessories i have will work with it

I hate the iris control on the vx, now i know the 170 is a little bit better but i think i will still dislike it.

shoulder mount type camera, that helps tremendously when i dont have it on a tripod. granted i could just get a stabalizer but i have the feeling that it would just be big and bulky and in the way most of the time.
ability to change lens',I am all for that part because i like the idea of having a wide angle lens, not an adapter.

audio still goes through a mini jack
will have to buy a mini mount so the mic wont pick up the lens making noise.

great picture, its one of the main reasons i like it so much.
the lens is much wider then most cameras, mainly my vx
great image control

picture might be hard to cut in and out with my vx. the diffrence might be extreamly noticable.

I know there are other things i like and dislike about both cameras, but those are just the main ones i could think of. and please excuse my horrible spelling


Rob Lohman
November 24th, 2004, 04:46 AM
A couple of thoughts:

1. the XL1s might have problems cutting together with the vx2100 footage as well

2. the XL1s can do XLR as well, with an attachment (true that it still goes through a mini at the end, but you can use XLR mics)

Why not get a second vx2100 if that works for you?

Jon French
November 24th, 2004, 09:16 AM
eh i think i wil just go with the pd-170. I need the xlr's and the pd is just a better version of my 2100

Mark Von Lanken
November 24th, 2004, 09:25 AM

I shot with a Sony and Canon for 5 years. A year and a half ago I bought 2 new Sonys and it is so great to have matching cameras. With the exception of Love Stories and Bridal Elegance shoots we always use 2 cameras so matching cameras is very important for us.

If you are dead set on not getting a PD-170 I think the Panny will be easier to match than the Canon.

As Rob said, why not just get a second VX2100? You can add an XLR adapter plate to the bottom of it, but really, by the time you do that, you could bye a PD-170 for just a little more since they are offering a $300 rebate through the end of the year. The 170 also comes with a wide angle lens.

So after saying all of that, if I was in your position, I think the 170 makes the most sense if you plan on keeping your 2100.

All My Best,
Mark Von Lanken
Picture This Productions