View Full Version : New lenses coming?

Lawrence Stevens
November 23rd, 2004, 03:59 AM
Hi guys
It's been a while since I posted,
I have been using my new XL2 quite a lot, and have managed to borrow both the 3x wide angle lens and the manual 16x lens.


I was wondering if canon are planning on doing a new wide angle lens. The auto focus of the 3x lens has the same issues as the old 16x auto lens. And it is the lens, because I used the old 16x auto on the new XL2, and the old auto focus probs of the xl1s came back.

Also the 16x manual does not have flourite coated glass, and I have notices quite a lot of chromatic abberation/purple fringing on the long end of the lens. The flourite coating is supposed to reduce this. Does anyone know if there is a new manual coming out, or can anyone offer their thoughs?


Rob Lohman
November 23rd, 2004, 08:04 AM
At this point in time there is no indication that any new lenses
will come, and if that where the case, when. I'm wondering why
you would need an autofocus on a 3x lens?