View Full Version : Which two camcorders?

Patrick Moreau
November 19th, 2004, 11:32 AM
Hello everybody,

I have a slightly different slant to which camcorder to buy. I am looking for two, and have several options within my budget. I was hoping to get feedback form those who have used one or both to help me out here. I am really quite stuck.

I do wedding videography and always use two cameras. One is usually a main camera and the second is for shorter cutaways. I could even a great main and an okay second or medium quality for both. Keeping that in mind, low light ability is often a concern at receptions. Doing a wedding in 24p would be great, but i would likely have to convert the cutaways in post, as i cannot afford two 24p camcorders likely, and I dont know how well the conversion would match.

Anyways, here are the options as I see it.

1) Canon XL2 and a Canon GL2.
- I think the optical zoom power on both and low light ability is a plus. the zoom and focus preset on the XL2 would be a plus for quality on the fly. The widescreen ability of the XL2 would be great, but even 15sec cutaways on the GL2 may detract from the what is gained. Similiarly, shooting in 24p means i have to convert the GL2 footage over.

2)two panasonic DVX 100
-low optical zoom and the look doesn't demand as much respect, which, in my experience, is a visible difference at a wedding. Both would have 24p and quality glass. Shooting with the same camera would offer easier matching. Huge downfall is that I have heard i has bad low light ability and I haven't had much luck lighting a wedding.

3)Two XL1-s
-seems to be the mid range options. offers good quality and shooting ability but lacks any 24p option, low widescreen quality.

4) possibly something with a pd150 or 170 or sony FX1.

My budget is around $6000. Low lighting is big, and 24p as well as widescreen would be nice features to offer. HD would be great but not in very high demand as of yet.

I would appreciate any comments as I am seeming to go back and forth between different options and haven't been able to conclude anything yet.

Thanks to everybody.

Patrick Moreau
November 19th, 2004, 11:37 AM
Just thought I would add one more thing. I currently have an xl1-s and a GL2 so that is part of the decision although, buying and selling is not ahuge deterrant. I have many long life canon batteries which is a big difference over sony and panasonic and that would be an additional cost.

John DeLuca
November 19th, 2004, 12:30 PM
I would go with the pd 170/150/vx2000/2100. A bride isnt going to pay you more for 24p, and its going to be awhile before HD or wide screen is "out there". Isnt good low light footage "filmic" in its own right? After working with a 170 a few weeks ago, my mind is made up on selling my two GL2s.


Patrick Moreau
November 19th, 2004, 12:46 PM
Well I agree that brides won't pay more for 24p and usually they don;t want to pay more for widescreen, with wedding videos, it is all about presentation. Anything that makes it looks better increases your chance of having your clients like your demo or work the most. Now of course many many other factors go into this, but I think 24p and widescreen would just add even more. While it would not translate into a higher profit per job, hopefully it would result in a higher rate at which you book clients. Thats my thought at least. I will look further into the pd170. As far as the low light and the reasonable price, I wasn't really aware of what made it any better than an XL2 or a panasonic. Let me know what I am missing please.

John DeLuca
November 19th, 2004, 12:56 PM
Have you looked at glen elliotts sample short in the wedding section? A camera doesnt have to be 24p to have impact or be filmic, glens work is stunning. I think everyone will agree with me that for "run and gun work", the 170 is king of SD.
