David Ruhland
September 2nd, 2009, 05:43 AM
I am looking for suggested workflow ideas for Multi Cam shoots.
Here is my current workflow:
Make Folder on Hard Drive and Name it
Create Subfolders and title them Each Cam 1, Cam 2,
Capture video to appropiate folders.
Drag each Camera to its own Video Track
Synch Videos
Enable Multi Camera Function
Make first Edit from Multi Track Video, ie cuts, blurs, etc
RENDER track as AVI file RENAME
Do final editing, ie final cuts, transistions, color corrections,blur out items, etc
Render for final output in desired format.
Is this correct or is ther an easier way?
Here is my current workflow:
Make Folder on Hard Drive and Name it
Create Subfolders and title them Each Cam 1, Cam 2,
Capture video to appropiate folders.
Drag each Camera to its own Video Track
Synch Videos
Enable Multi Camera Function
Make first Edit from Multi Track Video, ie cuts, blurs, etc
RENDER track as AVI file RENAME
Do final editing, ie final cuts, transistions, color corrections,blur out items, etc
Render for final output in desired format.
Is this correct or is ther an easier way?