View Full Version : XH A1 Iris Ring - Not turning smoothly

Martin Trotter
September 2nd, 2009, 02:56 AM
My XHA1 Iris ring on the camera is not turning smoothly any more, especially from the one side. I can still turn it no problem, but it feels very 'gritty' as though whatever action underneath it has worn away. I do use it quite a lot, especially from the left side if I'm holding the camera; I use my middle/index finger to push it up and down.

Has anyone ever had this problem with their XHA1

Is this a part that can be fixed/maintained easily?


Michael Hutson
September 2nd, 2009, 06:43 PM
Sounds like sand, Martin. There is a post in here talking about your problem. Recommend using the search.

Martin Trotter
September 3rd, 2009, 02:16 AM
Sounds like sand, Martin. There is a post in here talking about your problem. Recommend using the search.

I can't rule it out that it isn't - have taken camcorder to the beach for a few wedding shots, but have been very careful having practically wrecked a camcorder and a stills camera at the beach before.

To be honest, it just fels as though what the ring was 'gliding' on before underneath, has just worn.


Allan Black
September 3rd, 2009, 06:47 PM
Martin, you might get a better idea what it is by putting your ear next to it while turning it at different speeds. Even put a mic on it and boost it thru phones.

I think if it was worn it'd have a 'grating' sound and if it worries you that would cause a trip into the shop.
