View Full Version : international film

September 10th, 2001, 01:43 PM
If anyone watches foreign films would be able to tell me the name of this one?

It is a spanish film and it is about a little boy who falls in love with a married french woman. It also shows the festival in spain in which people create human pyramids. The kid and his father are a part of this festival. Another thing i remember is that the kid had an obsession with breastmilk.

If anyone knows the name of this film, please let me know.
I totally forgot.


Dan Uneken
September 16th, 2001, 04:29 AM
I don't know, but I'll be asking someone who surely knows - he's on holiday right now, but I can e-mail him.
Ciao, Dan.

John Locke
September 17th, 2001, 05:34 AM
What a coincidence!

I live in Korea and the local movie channel is showing that movie now in this month's rotation. It's called "La Teta y la luna"...or "The Tit and the Moon." Catchy title, huh?

Great movie. Mathilda May is beautiful...and any movie with Gérard Darmon is bound to be good.



Chris Hurd
September 17th, 2001, 07:32 AM
You guys are amazing. Almost better than the International Movie Data Base ( -- bravo!,