View Full Version : Transformers fans - WATCH THIS

Dylan Couper
November 15th, 2004, 12:08 PM
Keith Loh sent this to me. As an original Transformers fan, it made my day. Even if you didn't watch the show as a kid, the CG is great. Just a 30 second TV commercial.

John Sandel
November 15th, 2004, 12:19 PM
The Transformers were after my time, but this is a delightful spot.

What really makes it great is the camera work ("spontaneous" zoom shifts, as if they were shooting an irrepressible dancer on a rooftop) & the editing, like a hastily assembled music video. I love how sunlight kicked off the chrome in ways a more careful "shoot" might have avoided.

Who knew a Citroen could have such 'tude?


Imran Zaidi
November 15th, 2004, 12:25 PM
That rocked!

Jesse Bekas
November 18th, 2004, 12:45 AM
I love Transformers...hope the upcoming feature film, being assembled by Don Murphy, turns out well. Hopefully we can expect some CGI even better than this.

Stephen Jackson
November 18th, 2004, 01:56 PM
As a transformer fan That ROCKKKKEEEDDD

Greg Patch
November 18th, 2004, 02:11 PM
That is an awesome spot, I like that car too.....

Jesse Bekas
November 18th, 2004, 05:20 PM
Have you guys seen the transforming copier machine video? Check it out if you haven't...

Be nice to the copier or else! (

(right click and save's only 1MB)

Greg Boston
November 18th, 2004, 07:49 PM
Info on how they made the car commercial can be found here.

I keep watching it over and over. It's impressive. They should get an award for this one.


Rob Zeigler
November 21st, 2004, 06:29 PM
If anyone wants more information about the effects studio that worked on this spot, their web page is:

They've got some other real nice composites on their site.

Ronald Lee
January 3rd, 2005, 01:48 AM
Dylan, you and Keith are TF fans?

Alright, *high five*

Then you gotta see this:

Ed Smith
January 3rd, 2005, 10:56 AM
They've been showing that spot on UK TV recently. Its quite amazing.

I too used to watch and play with transformers...


Dylan Couper
January 3rd, 2005, 11:27 AM
<<<-- Originally posted by Ronald Ng : Dylan, you and Keith are TF fans?

Alright, *high five*

Then you gotta see this: -->>>

I have a TF collection of about 200-300 pieces, mostly 1st gen. I don't collect anymore though. I should probably put most of it on Ebay and buy a new car with the money.

Seen the dancing Soundwave before, but it's still a great clip.

Ronald Lee
January 3rd, 2005, 11:39 AM
You do? Dude, you missed the money boat, they're all being re-released now. I have a bunch of the newest stuff as well. I liked Beast Wars.

Jesse Bekas
January 3rd, 2005, 01:36 PM
<<<-- Originally posted by Ronald Ng : You do? Dude, you missed the money boat, they're all being re-released now. I have a bunch of the newest stuff as well. I liked Beast Wars. -->>>

Just got a Nemesis Prime from Target for $14 (it's a "dark" repaint of Big Prime from BW Neo).

Man, have you guys seen the Alternators line. They got me back into the fandom big time.

Swing by Tfans ( for a great TF message board, or Tformers ( for TF news.

Here's the most pertinent link for this message board. A direct link to Tformers 2006 live action Movie news (

Dylan Couper
January 4th, 2005, 01:15 AM
<<<-- Originally posted by Ronald Ng : You do? Dude, you missed the money boat, they're all being re-released now. I have a bunch of the newest stuff as well. I liked Beast Wars. -->>>

Meh, I wasn't in it for the money. I don't collect re-releases, just isn't the same. Anything after I think year 4 didn't interest me much, mostly just the stuff from the time period I had them for as a kid.
I worked briefly for Mainframe in the late '90's while they were producing Beast Wars. Still, the Beast Wars series didn't interest me either. While robotic animals, like in the original series were cool, the natural organic ones did nothing for me. I did watch a bit of the show though.

I'll probably display my favorite 40, and put the rest in long term storage so my kids can one day sell them to a pawn shop for booze money.

Jesse Bekas
January 4th, 2005, 10:36 AM
The Alternators line is one of G1 "updates" so to speak, and they are fantastic and addictive...check out this page, and tell me you aren't going to order Hound...This line alone got me back into it after years away.

Dylan Couper
January 4th, 2005, 02:33 PM
No, but I might order the Z06 version of Tracks (was always one of my favorites, since I love Corvettes).

Why the F--k is Grimlock a Mustang? That;s one of the things I hate about later generations... An epic character, destroyed to market a few more sales.

Jesse Bekas
January 4th, 2005, 02:45 PM
Technically, there is a story line that puts the events of these characters somewhere between "Scramble City" and "TF:TM", at a time when some of them had to jump bodies. Grim is supposedly very unhappy with the results (like most of the fans at first). I was a G1 purist, but now I'm happy to see as many of these characters get retooled as possible. 2005 is supposed to bring the Alternators/Binaltech line accurate Seeker jets, Helicoptors, etc...

...BTW - Waaaaay later in TF history, Grim is constantly changing bodies to keep up with the newer generation of bots (post-beast wars bots), and sticks with some kind of flying dragon triple-changer for awhile.

If you like comics, you should check out TF prehistory with the "War Within" series...Grim and the Dynobots (as they're known before being remade on earth) are a badass special forces team.

...that is the last little bit of my complete TF geekdom, I'm going to reveal on this board.