View Full Version : XL2 Body available without viewfinder?

Oliver Power
November 13th, 2004, 01:37 AM
I think I saw somewhere on the forum that Chris Hurd mentioned that the XL2 might be sold by certain dealers in a body-only, no viewfinder configuration. Is this reality, or just a dream? I'm about to buy an XL2 setup with 16x manual lens, and B&W viewfinder, and would love to be able to buy just that and not have to spend extra for the color viewfinder. If anybody has the scoop, please share it with us!



60Hz Films

David Lach
November 13th, 2004, 01:57 AM
Unless things have changed since I bought my XL2, there is no way to buy without the EVF. You have to buy the FU-1000 on top of the other viewfinder. Canon will not sell the body kit only without their LCD viewfinder. I tried with Zotz, ZGC, B&H and a couple of other reputable sellers, none could sell it to me without the standard viewfinder. I'd be curious to know why Canon's now taking this approach with the XL2 since they did not with the XL1, but my pinky tells me it's for financial reasons only.

Richard Alvarez
November 13th, 2004, 07:28 AM

I bought the whole "Custom" configuration, and wound up with the color viewfinder. Frankly, I'm glad I have it. It's one more option available. I am still shooting primarily with the FU1000, but I was able to use the color viewfinder to review some footage on location without a monitor, and it was good to have. Also, the flip up screen is nice for showing one or two other people gathered around the image.

I just wish they would give you the option of lens with the "standard" package. I would have bought the 3x with it. in addition to the 16x.

Chris Hurd
November 13th, 2004, 10:19 AM
And I was mistaken earlier; looks like the "body only" kit does include the color EVF, but so what. Why not have it, as Richard suggests.