View Full Version : DIY HMD

Aaron Shaw
November 12th, 2004, 02:00 PM
Hey everyone,

I was just recently looking for a better means of viewing footage as it is being shot from a camera crane. LCD monitors are ok but they are often hard to see and can be mounted in awkward positions.

Anyway.. I ran across the idea of head mounted displays. It seems there are quite a few of these things that have been produced but most that are worth anything are much more than I want to spend.

So.... I'm thinking about making one myself :)

Not much would be needed really. Perhaps steal the LCD from a broken video camea. Maybe throw in a diopter(would this be necessary?) and find a way to attach this thing in a decent way. Anyone have ideas and/or suggestions about this sort of thing? It would be much easier (for me at least) than a mounted LCD and you could even run a feed to the director (or get really fancy and try a wireless feed!)

Ideas? Suggestions? Comments?

Obin Olson
November 12th, 2004, 04:00 PM
great idea! I have had the same idea..I think you can buy them on ebay for like $300..check it out

Aaron Shaw
November 12th, 2004, 04:14 PM
Oh cool. I just wonder what the resolution of these cheap things are. I'll definitely take a look though.

I think it should be fairly easy to make one of these things for WELL under $300 though. At least one that will fit my purposes (I'm not going to be playing games from a playstation with these on).

Wayne Morellini
November 28th, 2004, 08:47 AM
You can use the veiw finder off of some cameras, but look in the hardware section of this site, it has a number of working links to HDM stuff, and diy:

Some links link to lists of hundreds of HDM displays.
