Keravin Peravin
November 12th, 2004, 01:29 PM
I just discovered that my windows media player and premiere pro are playing my dv video poorly and I have no clue on what is going on!
Backstory: I am using a GL2 here at work and edit using Premiere Pro and After Effecst on a PC.
So I have been playing with this camera for a little while and have been unimpressed with the quality due to jittery/usntable images...pulses, jittery edges, etc. I had just come to accept it. I filmed a few minute worth of footage earlier, captured it and reviewed it. Same quality i've been seeing. It looks the same in premiere pro and windows media player. It also looks as if it is deinterlacing it during playback. Anyway, I open the footage up in after effects and review it and BAM! The quality is much better...the text isn't jumping or shifting at all and you can see the interlacing lines during movement. The static objects are crisp and you see no pixel shifting or movement. I just went back and previewed older footage in after effects and now I'm impressed with this I've just been viewing a crapitized version of the video.
Anyone know why premiere and media player isn't playing the video correctly?? Sorry if this is a total newb question but this totally caught me off guard.
Backstory: I am using a GL2 here at work and edit using Premiere Pro and After Effecst on a PC.
So I have been playing with this camera for a little while and have been unimpressed with the quality due to jittery/usntable images...pulses, jittery edges, etc. I had just come to accept it. I filmed a few minute worth of footage earlier, captured it and reviewed it. Same quality i've been seeing. It looks the same in premiere pro and windows media player. It also looks as if it is deinterlacing it during playback. Anyway, I open the footage up in after effects and review it and BAM! The quality is much better...the text isn't jumping or shifting at all and you can see the interlacing lines during movement. The static objects are crisp and you see no pixel shifting or movement. I just went back and previewed older footage in after effects and now I'm impressed with this I've just been viewing a crapitized version of the video.
Anyone know why premiere and media player isn't playing the video correctly?? Sorry if this is a total newb question but this totally caught me off guard.