View Full Version : POLAR EXPRESS- wow.

Jeff Patnaude
November 12th, 2004, 08:34 AM
Just took my son to see Polar Express last night. Truely amazing.
I had been reading in the latest "Film & Video" magazine about the motion capture used to make it. Tom Hanks played most all of the charactors in the film.
I predict in 5 years, only an accutely trained eye will be able to pick out the difference between a real shot, and CGI.

It's some of the best animation I've seen yet. My hats off to Pixar.
My 2 1/2 year old son sat spellbound through most of the movie- quite an acccomplishment if any of you dont have kids.

Nice story line, interesting camera "movement". Little elves looked real! Great Sound FX too.

I highly recommend it for you and the kids.

Jeff Patnaude

Paul Daley
November 12th, 2004, 09:12 AM
It's not Pixar, dude. Not even close.

Jeff Patnaude
November 12th, 2004, 09:48 AM
My Bad!
Directed by Robert Zemeckis, and animation by Sony Pictures Imageworks team.
The same crew that did "Stuart Little" previously including Ken Ralston, Jerome Chen, and others.


Jeff P.

Yi Fong Yu
November 12th, 2004, 12:15 PM
my, my we have forgotten jar jar binks and gollum already =^). they used limited performance capture as well. so the technology isn't "new" as RZ and TH make it out to be.