August 31st, 2002, 08:46 PM
First of all as a newbie to this site, sincere thank you to DV community I just love vBulletin too.
I am in the process of deciding between the Sony PD150 and the Canon XM2 (I come from Australia so PAL is an easier choice for me). I want to use the camera for producing travel documentaries. Hence non technical performance and form choices are also high on my priority list such as keeping a low profile (excluding XL1s etc) weight, easy of use durability etc. Think backpacking in some non camera friendly countries, then you’re in line with the special needs I am looking at.
Lux specifications for video cameras being what they are, non standard I have a couple questions that I need clarification on.
The XM2 (PAL version of the GL2) has specs which state min lux of 3 lux, whereas the GL2 specs say 6 lux.
My understanding of mechanics behind the viewfinder is somewhat limited but is the different lux rating due to the different shutter speed (Most likely TV mode 1/60 sec vs 1/50 sec between the PAL and NTSC versions). What does the difference in shutter speed between the 1/60 vs 1/50 translate to in practical terms?
As I envisage doing a lot of on the fly shooting and low light performance of the GL2/XM2 vs PD150 is of great concern for me in deciding what camera to purchase.
With the XLR adaptor for the accessory shoe how the sound quality of the PD150 vs the GL2 compare does.
I am in the process of deciding between the Sony PD150 and the Canon XM2 (I come from Australia so PAL is an easier choice for me). I want to use the camera for producing travel documentaries. Hence non technical performance and form choices are also high on my priority list such as keeping a low profile (excluding XL1s etc) weight, easy of use durability etc. Think backpacking in some non camera friendly countries, then you’re in line with the special needs I am looking at.
Lux specifications for video cameras being what they are, non standard I have a couple questions that I need clarification on.
The XM2 (PAL version of the GL2) has specs which state min lux of 3 lux, whereas the GL2 specs say 6 lux.
My understanding of mechanics behind the viewfinder is somewhat limited but is the different lux rating due to the different shutter speed (Most likely TV mode 1/60 sec vs 1/50 sec between the PAL and NTSC versions). What does the difference in shutter speed between the 1/60 vs 1/50 translate to in practical terms?
As I envisage doing a lot of on the fly shooting and low light performance of the GL2/XM2 vs PD150 is of great concern for me in deciding what camera to purchase.
With the XLR adaptor for the accessory shoe how the sound quality of the PD150 vs the GL2 compare does.