View Full Version : Sony TVR 320

John Norman
November 10th, 2004, 09:53 PM
I'm only a beginner in the field of videography and have a question for all you experts out there. I've fooled around with some editing programs like, i.e. Vegas Movie Studio, using photos, but no experience, as of yet, with video.
I have a friend who has a Sony TVR 320 who is willing to let let me use it, and I was wondering if it is enough camera to get my feet wet, to get the feel for filming, or will I be disappointed in the results?
Remember that I am just a novice, and all help will be truly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Carlton Bennett
November 30th, 2004, 01:53 PM
seems the TRV post get left behind i think...

i have a TRV350 and it does quite well for the amauteur.

would you be showing your film at the local theatre? nah, home video stuff and cleaning it up in post production and you could have yourself some nice footage.

so the answer is, yes its a good starter camera.