Sharon Fraats
November 9th, 2004, 10:47 PM
I’m doing a feasibility study prior to opening a studio. The main question at hand how many of you would rent a studio that would fit your needs if it were well priced.
Lets say there were a G5 with the entire equipment just to finish that job that needs to get done. As well as the applications, RAM, Hard Drive space, Tape decks from DSR-11 to DVCPRO, EDL, DVD Burner, Dual Layer, NTSC monitor as well as speakers to audio input to audio output to DAT etc.
Would any one of you rent a suite like this to do your work on as well as refer others as well?
Ken Tanaka
November 10th, 2004, 12:38 AM
Between the lines, I'm interpreting your inquiry as though you are planning to develop such a space as a potential business opportunity. You say "studio", but it really sounds like you mean "editing facility", as a full studio facility would encompass more than computers and decks.
Here in Chicago I understand that there is a dearth of such facilities for low-budget productions. So I think the idea has potential, given location and economics.
Don't overlook insurance issues as you consider feasibility.
Good luck with this project.
Dylan Couper
November 10th, 2004, 01:21 AM
I'd be more interested in a shooting studio than an editing suite.
Give me a soundproof location that is already loaded with lighting and grip equipment, backdrops, and a good day rate and I'd be interested (well, if you were in Vancouver).
However if you mean an editing studio then I don't see the advantage over editing at home, unless your rates are much cheaper than what it would cost me to rent the specific pieces of gear I need (like a deck or monitor).
Sharon Fraats
November 10th, 2004, 12:43 PM
Your right I should have specified "Editing Facility" I see a need as there are schools that over book there own rooms and also we are right next to Moody Bible Institute.
So we have a chance to get a warehouse one of the few left in the downtown area and the price is great for the rent. So we want two floors of the warehouse and have the other setup for "Editing Facility" as well as for mastering a final product in the not to distant future.
By the way thanks for the replies and the thoughts.