View Full Version : XL2 West Coast Shooters
Jim Giberti November 5th, 2004, 11:58 AM I know I need to put this in the "helping hands" section, but I'm under the gun and wanted to see who was out there. I've got two interviews segments for a DVD project that I've got to shoot asap (in the next week hopefully).
One of the personalities is in LA the other in Washington state. The documentary, aside from the archival footage, is all being shot with the XL2 and I want to keeo these sections consistent.
These would be half day shoots tops and a cool project. Anyone in the LA area or Northwest with an XL2? in a pinch I could live with XL1s footage as well.
email me,
Chris Staab November 5th, 2004, 02:29 PM I might be interested, depending on the logistics...
Charles Papert November 5th, 2004, 04:30 PM Jim:
Touch base with Eric Maciver at Indie Rentals (posts on this site, you've probably seen his name). He's got a couple of XL2's.
Jim Giberti November 5th, 2004, 05:20 PM Thanks for the heads up Charles. If you know of anyone who can do some nice basic 3 point lighting and shooting, it's a pretty simple gig and will pay well for a couple of hours setup and shoot. In both instances I'll be coaching the subject in advance. They're both Olympic champions and they're part of a series of short profiles in the documentary, so it's mostly covering B roll from the games with limited on camera in the final edit.
Although I just spent the day with Sarah Hughes, who won the figure skating gold in Park City and she was so good on camera that I'm going to use more of that, so it's really dependent on the personality and delivery.
I'll try and track down Eric.
Nick Hiltgen November 5th, 2004, 08:59 PM IF eric can't help you check out birns and sawyer, they rent out the xl2 as well, let me know what you need for the LA spot and I can try and help as well.
Charles Papert November 5th, 2004, 10:37 PM BTW, I'm on a feature at present otherwise I would offer to help, Jim. If you end up coming out here after the 15th and have a pinch of spare time, let me know if you want to stop by the set to say hello.
Doug Sapp November 6th, 2004, 03:07 PM Hello Jim: I would be interested in helping you. I live in Dayton, Washington that is in the eastern part of the state about 4 hours from Seattle. I atended the Los Angeles Film Schools six week digital film course about two years ago and I own a XL1s. Can you email me the detales?
Jim Giberti November 6th, 2004, 10:12 PM <<IF eric can't help you check out birns and sawyer, they rent out the xl2 as well, let me know what you need for the LA spot and I can try and help as well.>>
Might you be available to do a half day shoot in the next week or so Nick? I haven't talked to this medalist yet (I will by Monday), so I'm not sure exactly where she is but I know she's in LA.
Evan Fisher November 7th, 2004, 12:00 PM If you haven't already crewed up, I am available in LA.
Jim Giberti November 8th, 2004, 01:00 PM Hey Evan and Doug...I'd like to talk to you guys, but if you notice, you have no email response available at the bottom of your posts. That's why my posts asks interested shooters to email me <g>. Seriously though , you can't be contacted directly because your profile specifically blocks list emails and you didn't provide any in your posts. Again, please email me at or just hit the email button at the bottom of this post. I need to get these shot asap.
Evan Fisher November 8th, 2004, 08:23 PM Jim,
I'm at