View Full Version : Canon WD-58H

Aaron Ferguson
November 5th, 2004, 01:41 AM

I am writing about the Canon WD-58H wide angle adapter. When I put the lens hood on there is a gap around the right side. I was wondering if this was the case with others and if that is normal. I was just concerned about the possibility of light getting through there and causing lens flare.


Ken Tanaka
November 5th, 2004, 01:50 AM
Check your fitting. The hood should clip onto the lens securely with no gaps.

Aaron Ferguson
November 5th, 2004, 11:54 AM
I can't figure out whether its me going wrong or if it is the hood. I have seen it attached on other cameras and it looks like its in the right spot, except for that gap of course, and I can't see any other way that it can go. It just seems like the diameter of the inside part of the hood is just a bit too big.

Here are some pictures, though..

I guess for now I can put some electrical tape around back to keep light from coming in.

Ken Tanaka
November 5th, 2004, 12:12 PM
It's very hard to tell from those photos. But it looks like you may have it mounted 90 deg off-axis. That is, the longer sides of the hood should be at the top and bottom, and the cut-outs should be on the sides.

Aaron Ferguson
November 5th, 2004, 12:51 PM
Yeah, thats how it is, long sides at top and bottom and the top says "Canon". I guess I need to try to get my hands on another hood to try sometime.

Alan McCormick
November 6th, 2004, 10:01 AM

Hav you tried to place the side opposite the screw over the lip of the lens and then push the other side on? Tighten the knurled screw thing last but not too hard.

Might be really obvious but I was doing it wrong for a while :(

or... of course you may have an oddball, hope you suss it.