View Full Version : storyboard help for Save The Date

Stephen J. Williams
August 31st, 2009, 02:53 PM
I'm shooting a save the date tomorrow in ocean city NJ. So typical boardwalk scene.
The couple really wanted (coming soon Mike and Kris Say I do) up on a movie theater type board.
My plan was to shoot a lot of detailed/close up shots of them setting up the letters on the board themselves and then waiting to reveal the message at the very end...
I planned on letting this scene be the common theme throughout the video while splicing in other "lovey dovey" footage.
They contacted me today and told me that the message will already be up on the board and they weren't allowed to put the letters up themselves.
This kinda killed the story that I was going for.
I really want something more then just setting up random shots and then ending with them in front of this message board.

I came up with some other ideas that were pretty good when we met... But they really wanted the message board in there. Now it's kinda to late for my plan B...

Any thoughts..
