View Full Version : Anyone is Oz actually lookin to get one of these??

Peter Jefferson
November 4th, 2004, 09:16 AM
It seems strange how theres only 4 suppliers of this unit here in NSW (australia) and there has only been very VERY slight interest in it....
I havent sold one yet.. which is actually quite baffling..

I would have thought id be inundated with pre orders and curious onlookers but nup.. nothing at all..
well maybe 2 queries..
i mean with the DVX100 it was all a rush and people flocked to buy them.. but im jsut curious as to whats goin on with this?? the official launch hasnt happened yet here.. but ive been using the unit now for afew weeks and people know about it.. but there really is no interest..

Like i said, one would think that thered be high demand for it considering canons history.. but im yet to feel the rush...

your thoughts??

Jerome Vaughn Schmidt
November 5th, 2004, 02:29 AM
Hi Pete,
No doubt we're all waitiing for the price to come down, my gosh folks on this site seem to all have 5 grand to throw down on this new toy. Some folks are confused about the lack of High Def, though less and less. Some are intimidated by the technology, like myself, but I have decided to get this camera, and nothing else will do, its just a matter of when. I have been reading reading reading and barring some unforseen tech problems it wont be long. Good luck!

Peter Jefferson
November 5th, 2004, 09:28 AM
here in oz you wont find it for less than $8650 AUD and it wont go lower than that for a while now.. RRP is $8999

as for HD, at the moment the main issue is delivery..

David Cleverly
November 7th, 2004, 10:54 PM
Hi Peter, yes I am considering one in complete kit form.

Up until last week I was under the impression I was getting a work contract and so I was going to "invest" in either a DSR570 or XDCAM. Unfortunately that deal fell through and I am now considering a "lesser" setup, hence the consideration of the XL2.

After shooting on a Sony Betacam SP unit for years and then a Sony DSR 300 DVCAM (that I loved), I certainly hope I will not be disappointed in the XL2. It looks like a good unit as long as the pics stack up and it doesn't feel too much like a toy to use. Gotta admit, the white colouring throws me a bit.

Going to have a look at one tomorrow in Sydney and see what price I can wangle.


Chris Day
November 8th, 2004, 06:14 AM
I purchased an XL2 a few weeks ago now and I could not be happier. I did a two camera shoot over the weekend with the XL2 and XL1s and I reviewed the footage today and it is fantastic. I am shooting another wedding this coming Saturday using the 16:9 ratio so I will let you know how it turns out.


Chris Day
Perth WA

Pete Constable
November 14th, 2004, 05:30 PM
Peter, who do you work for? Maybe the lack of inquiries is due to your pricing. I bought one & am more than happy with it, except lack of photo mode, it's even way more front heavy than XL1, the focus overide button is more akward therefore produces bumps in filming when activated. Will glue the button down permanently. Otherwise it's better than expected. Pete C
PS David don't be thrown by color. Color is a girl issue & it's no toy.

David Cleverly
November 14th, 2004, 06:40 PM
Ha! Thanks Pete,

Been told I am a bit of a "girl" at times!

I had a vision of standing in a media scrum with this enormous white lens for all to see amongst the sea of black cameras and lenses - guess I wouldn't be used as a cutaway anymore - that might be a bonus, methinks! :-)


Pete Constable
November 14th, 2004, 07:31 PM
David, in the media world of stills, white is Professional on Canon lenses. You'll be up there now, Cheers PC

Tim White AU
November 16th, 2004, 12:38 AM
It's actually being sold in Australia?

I've spoken to Canon's Melbourne office at least three times in the past few weeks and they give me a different release every time. On the most recent occasion, they told me it wouldn't be released here until sometime 2005.

So they're being sold in NSW for $8650 odd... I've placed an order for a PAL model in the states for $6,950, with a 2 year Mack warranty. Have I got a good deal? Is it worth importing? Does anyone know where in Melbourne I can find the XL2?

Valeriu Campan
November 16th, 2004, 01:03 AM
Tasman AV (Melbourne) sells them shy of 9k. A bit steep when you can by 2 in Hong Kong for this kind of money. If one breaks down just jump on the other one.

Chris Gallus
November 16th, 2004, 05:16 AM
Globalmediapro (www, selling the XL2 for just over AUD$5500.They operate out of NZ. You need to add in delivery and GST so it would end up just over $6000.A lot better than local prices They offer a Mack Warranty as well.Don't know how reliable they are but worth investigating!

Tim White AU
November 18th, 2004, 07:16 PM
I ordered one from a Queensland electronics importer.

It's costing me $6,069 + GST..

I'm pretty happy with the price, considering the $9K RRP.

Mark Jarecki
November 19th, 2004, 07:35 PM
I got one the other week from Expandore in Singapore for the equivalent of 7 grand including 3x Wide Angle Lens, Mack Warranty and taxes. I actually stopped by their office to test out the camera. I have to say that it works beautifully. I got quotes from the dealers in Melbourne and all were giving prices near 9 grand without WA lens. No wonder no one is buying here with a difference of about 3000 dollars between a local purchase and an import. If the difference was about 10% I would probably have bought locally - but over 40%!!?? You should see how many XL2's they are selling at Expandore, I was told they can't get enough of them. Whatever you may think of the Mack Warranty, you are assured warranty in Singapore at the very least. It costs about $700 dollars return to Singapore from Melbourne and therefore you get a few flights for the equivalent of $3000. It is unlikely you will get 4 dud cameras in succession!

Just some food for thought.


Paul Colt
November 22nd, 2004, 11:19 PM
Get on a cheap flight to us here in Kuala Lumpur. I was looking at a XL-2 the other day ( PAL with Asia warranty) and they started the price at around 17,000 RM about 5000 USD. However after some bargaining I got them to come down to a cash price that is close to 3500 USD! Which is much cheaper then what you can get the camera for in the States or Oz! I was blown away! Unfortunately I'm making all my money in Malaysian Ringet so Its going to take me some time to save up for this "Must Have" camera but it will be so worth it when I do get it, and the price will have wandered even further down in a few months. So come to Malaysia and save some bucks!