View Full Version : Multiple source sound Problem. Help pls.

Steve Montoto
November 4th, 2004, 07:38 AM
I recently Shot an event with my sony VX2000, plus the guy at the sound board recorded it to tape for me.

I transfered the tape to my minidisc through the line input.

Now when I feed it into my computer and start to edit, there is a
difference between the two. I cant get them to sync up together. If I sync up to a particular sound, they do not stay sync'd for long.

Does it have something to do with minidisc being at 44.1k and the DV video audio being recorded at 48k. If so how would I correct this.

Any input would be helpful.



Evan Fisher
November 5th, 2004, 12:01 PM

it sounds like you have a problem. The first was recording to tape. Without some sort of sync reference, the tape speed will not exactly match to 29.97 fps (which is your video tape speed).

Unfortunately, you will never be able to absolutely synch up because (depending on the type of tape recording device used) chances are the tape speed was not constant.

Your best bet, drop the sound in, when you notice it starting to drift, back-up about 1/2 a second and edit it back into sync.

Best of luck.

Mike Rehmus
November 5th, 2004, 12:37 PM
You might try measuring the length of the sound track from the video and the length of the sound track from the minidisk. If they are different, you can adjust the length in something like Sound Forge without materially changing the sound.

Steve Montoto
November 5th, 2004, 02:05 PM
Thanks for the replys.

Mike, you are absolutely correct. I talked to a friend of mine who is a sound engineer, and he told me exactly that.

I used sound forge to time stretch and It worked beautifully.

Project finished..

Thanks all.